Chapter 12

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I was happy about coming to school I wanted to see my bae. When I walked into school all I heard people was talking about a new girl. I walked into class and I saw this chick in my seat talking to my man. Ok right it sounds like I'm the girl in the relationship but I was kinda jealous. I went and sat next to Jarrell...he's a cool person I guess for a person who loves Star Wars and yea😒.

When lunch times came I went straight to Jacob and guess who was their the chick.

I say my book bag down

"Hey jake". I said smiling

"Hey chresanto". He said trying to read through my fake smile

"Is this your new friend?" I asked

"Well this is a old friend...this is Davina " He said "Davina this is chres my friend"

"Mmmm...a friend" I chuckled

He squinted his eyes at me

"Hi". She said softly

I wasn't going to lie she resembles the singer Aaliyah a lot.

"Hi" I said back

"Well um....i promise a couple people I would sit with them later". She getting walking away to a different.

"See ya later" Jacob smiled watching her walking away.

He turn to me turning his smile to mean look.

"What do think you doing Chresanto August ?" He said coldly

"She just a friend?" I said

"Ok she's my ex". He said

"Mmmmh...thats all I wanted the way I didn't know you attract good looking girls". I said walking away

"Is that suppose to be a compliment?" He asked

But I just kept walked away


Ok that was some slick shit he pulled but I got him. School was ending and I saw Andre and he was just looking at my sis and her boyfriend Mario.

"Wassup" I put a hand on his shoulder

"Nothing it's just your sister don't belong with him". He said

"You really like my sister don't you?" I asked

He nodded

"Well maybe when that crappy relationship ends I help you out" I said

"Ok....hey um how's the chres thing going?". He wondered

"Um...its going tell you me and him are going together on DL". I real lowly

"Oh.ok". He shrugged

"Your not mad?" I asked

"I'm kinda like confuse about why you go with him...but hey bro i support you". He laughed

I playfully punch him and we started walking together.

"Hey jake". Chres was following behind me "wassup Andre"

"Chres he knows about me and you you can act normal". I said regularly.

"Oh" he looked at Andre

"Also Andre is not gay" I said

"Ohhhhhhh" chres stand there dumbfounded

I shook my head rolling my eyes.

"I'm going to talk to you later jake...see you chresanto" Andre said going to talk to his buddies.

I got to chres car and got inside. He got inside and started the car driving me to my house.

It was quiet at during the whole car ride. I went in the house and chres was still following me like a helpless dog. I finally got in my room and he came In closing the door.

"Ok sorry jake for acting like an ass whole today". I heard him blurted.

I smiled but kept quiet.

"It's was just...i don't know I was jealous". He sigh

My eyes widen.

"Jealous?...why?" I said

"Because you was with that girl..and" he cut off by me laughing.

"It's not funny" He frown "I really like you jake you think after a few weeks that this will go away?" He said in a serious mode

"Well". I said but that's all

"Well what?" He looked at me "exactly jake do you like me I want to know"

"Chres you can't drop this on me...i don't know what I like right now". I said defending my self

"What about what happen in the bathroom...i did cause I like you" he said

"But I didn't ask you..chres can we just chill and talk about it later" I said

"You know what...fine jake you got what you wanted...i won't mention it..we can act like this never happen" he said grabbing his stuff

"Chres wait". I said

But I was cut off with my door slamming.

I was tearing up s little

He really like me


well looks what cha done jake


Excuse errors I'll fix later

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