Chapter 2

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I was sitting at lunch looking at my book reading it. The book I was reading was called marked. It was about this girl name Zoe. She is marked as a vampire and she can't handle what she is. Then I was rudely interrupt by Lani grabbing my book.

"Lani!" I jump trying get my book.

Lani was half Filipino and American. she have curly hair. Her skin color is mix. She is the funniest person I ever knew and she was my spark when I need a little push....we were like salt and pepper.

"Then stop reading like you have no life". She said trying to keep the book away.

"But Zoe was about have sex....come on" I whined.

"What is the problem". We heard a light but kinda heavy voice.

I turn around and see Andre. Andre was caramel but a little dark. He had a original hair cut. But there only one problem people says he talk like a girl and I don't hear it in his voice. So people assumes he gay which he isn't.

"Lani won't give me my book back" I stomp my feet like a child.

"Lani'" Andre said warning her

"What Andre he stays in that book" Lani said with a little gasp

"True" Andre said

I looked at him

"What it is". He said shrugging

"Fine" I crossed my my arms "can I get it back after lunch please?"

"Yes you may" Lani said grabbing me to go get my lunch.

Andre followed right behind us.

"Soo how was your summer Jacob?". Andre asked

"It was ok..I got a summer job and stuff so yea." I said grabbing a red tray.

"Well that's good". He said smiling grabbing a tray to

One thing about Andre is like a big brother to me. He has a crush on my sister which she doesn't really notice him. Also he has a very cute smile. I know imma boy but I'm not gonna reject anybody good things they have. We had pizza today thing is that their pizza taste like card board. But principle Rodney has a thing saying all kids must get food even though you don't want it. As I was walking back I saw my sister.

"Hey Jaden" I said flashing a smile

"Hey little bro". She got out her seat and side hug me

Andre was right behind me

"Hi Jaden" he said

"Hi are you?". She gave him a smile

"Good". He looked down blushing

"Good". She said rubbing his shoulder and sitting back down.

Me and Andre went to sit back down and then Lani came after a few minutes later

"Man Andre you should ask her out". I talk him opening my bag a chips I got from the vending machine

"I don't know....what if she don't like me". He said picking at his food

"I'm pretty sure if you ask you definitely know what she thinks". Lani said taking a bite of her apple

"You think?" Andre raised a Brow

Lani took a pause swallowing her apple

"Or your probably right she doesn't like you" she said shrugging

"Lani" I hit her

"Owwwe". She rub her arm " I was just playing...Andre you know I love you"

Then I suddenly feel some one breathing on my neck. Then I turn to see it was Roc

"Why are you always doing that?!". I Jump back scooting closer to Lani

He looked at me and grab me pulling me towards him.

"You know what I want". He said coldly but it felt like he was going nice on me a little.

I sigh and grab my tray and gave it too him

"Thank you". He pats my back looking me in my eyes. Then he looked up "nah y'all chill out with that shit"

I turn around and I see ray about to poor milk on me. I sigh and he got up and him and his group walk off

"Every time he comes around I shiver and whimper" I groan

"It's ok Jacob". Lani pats my back

When Lunch was over in math class and I was stuck on a problem I couldn't just get. I raised my hand and Mr. Risk was reading a paper. My hand started to get tired

"Hello?!". I said in frustration

"Oh yes mr. Perez?". He looked up

"I need help on this math problem". I said

"". He look around "Chresanto may you help Jacob"

Are you serious! I got a higher gpa then him.....scratch that his gpa is at the minimum where he can play basket ball. The fuck you thought I was dummer then a door knob.

"Sure". Roc said walking over to me

He was behind me then he lean his chest on my back to and put one hand on the left of me. He then put the right on the other side to hold himself up.

"What you need help on?" He asked, talking to my right ear

He gave me goosebumps a little.....and I was a little turn on......wait what?

"Um....problem 23." I said nervously

"Oooh I see your problem" he looked down and back at me

I gulp

"Y-yo-you do" I said stuttering.

He snickered


He grab my pencil

"See you miscarried the 2". He said fixing it for me

"Ooh thanks". I said giving him a lightly smile

"No problem". He pat my back and rub it

I was so confused the rest of the school day

After school was over I went straight to Jaden car going straight home.

When I got home I went up stairs to my room throwing my book bag to the side.   I couldn't just take my mind off roc....I click my radio on and then I fell asleep listening too music 


I'm sorry it's kinda boring....I'm not tryna make things come all quick




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