Chapter 26

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It's been a week later and  I already started working. Here I am standing at the bottom of the slide and my legs are killing me.  Kids sliding the water slide and splashing its real annoying.  Being a lifeguard is not that easy then i thought.  15 minutes past and I couldn't wait to go on break. Then suddenly I hear footsteps and I see another lifeguard grabbing a tube.  He looks at me and laugh

"What's funny?" I asked

"Nothing it's just your one of the new lifeguards and it's funny cause you guys are kinda lost on how to do things" he said scanning the water

"Oh" I said

"It's ok you'll get the hang of it" he said sticking the whistle in his mouth double blowing it.

I tried to do the same but it wasn't like his

"Ugh" I groan

"You know how to do that too soon" he said taking plus " also  Corey said go in break"

I begin to walk away but turned around

"What's your name?" I asked

"Damoni" he said

I couldn't really describe him because he had shades on. But he did have that kinda cute nerdish voice.

I walked to the food place to grab a cheeseburger and fries and a drink.  I went the break area and notice chres was there with earphones in.  As I took my seat he was still listening and I guess playing a game in his phone.

I started eating my fries and finally looked up and smiled at. He took one of his head phones out and the music came out blasting

"You can become death like that" I said

"Nah I'll be good" he said

I rolled my eyes and continue eating

"So how's lifeguarding?" He asked

"It's ok I guess just all the standing and whistle blowing is annoying" I said taking a sip of my drink.

He just looked at me and started to lean over the table and kiss me but I back away

"Chres" I said

"Oh right" he scratch his head

He took his phone and put in his pocket and grab his trash and threw it away

"Chres" I sigh

"It's fine.. My break is almost over anyway..I'll I see you tonight" he giving me a fake smile

I know chres he mad he just like a child he waits to have his alone time to throw a temper.


I see Davina about leave out when her phone is unlock. I go into her contacts and see my future.

'Hey chres I need you to pick me up and take me over lani house please'

I waited about 5 minutes later

'Ok whatever' he said

I hurried and deleted the text

"What are you doing?" Davina asked

"Nothing" I smiled sneaking her phone back in place.

She brush past me and grab her phone.

"Your up to something I can feel it" she said

"Ok whatever I have a question"I said

"Ok" she said

"Is Jacob and chres relationship open?" I asked

" that's none of your business" she said walking away

I take that as a no I know exactly how to get chres.


I was on my way to Davina house cause she was going lani house. I still kinda have a bad feeling about her but I half of me saying I'm over seeing her and she really nice instead of a bitch. 

I texted Jacob telling I'll be there soon.

Of course I was mad today I wanted to kiss him so bad but he's afraid of going public. But no matter what I'll stick by his side.

I finally arrive at Davina house and waited for her.  She started to take a long time so I go and knock on her door and see what taking. But when the door open it was her cousin who look kinda like her.

"Oh you came" she said in a flirtatious way.

"Where's Davina?" I asked raising a brow

"Oh she upstairs come in and wait for her" she said

I rolled my eyes knowing I'll regret this

I come in and say in the couch.

But I notice Davina jacket was gone

"I thought you said she was here" I frown at her cousin

"She was" she said coming closer to me

"Um" I gulp "you do know I'm with Jacob as a male"

"I know but that doesn't mean a  straw thats bent can't be straight again" she said touching me

I back away

" well this straw" I pointed my self " will like to stay bent...but only for Jacob"

Wait we haven't even talk about who's  gonna be "the ball and bat" anyway thats for later

"Why do you keep rejecting me" she groan in frustration

"Because I love Jacob" I said

"She said this would happen" she said

"Who?" I frown

"My damn goodie ol cousin she told me there no way to through you and Jacobs love" Lavina said

Wait so Davina wasn't a bad person she really been protecting our relationship?

Then a smile came on Lavina face

"But she was wrong there is a way."  Lavina said

"How would the whole school like if they find out that you were gay" she said

" I wouldn't care" I smile

"But Jacob would" she smiled

I smiled faded

"Ahh so there the weakness in the relationship" she laugh "so one person wants to be open but the other is too afraid"

I could do was stay quiet cause everything she said is right

"Chres if was with me we can be openly going together shoot we can even fuck in public". She said

Talk about T.H.O.T

"I'm out of here" I said walking away

"You know it's true you want to love Jacob in public but he's to afraid" she said

" yea so what that doesn't change the way I still feel for him" I said

Grabbing the door handle

" well if you don't go with me then I tell everyone about you and  Jacob and you know Jacob will be very depress" she said

I turn towards her

"Now are you with me or against me I'm sure Jacob won't mind sharing he can't be that selfish" she smiled

"I'm with you" I sigh

"Good" she smiled


here we go into the drama lol

What is chres thinking?




You and I (Royce) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now