Chapter 31

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It was the last class till school was over and the teacher decided to let us have time to our self. I saw that Jacob had his hood on and was listening to music. Every since lunch he's been like that. I wonder did he find out about chres and Lavina. I was gonna ask him when the bell rang so the class wouldn't give us their attention.

When the bell ran I followed Jacob and pulled him to the side.

"Are you ok?" I asked

I saw that his eyes were red.

"What's the matter?" I pulled him into an hug

"I seen chres kissing Lavina" he sobbed

I was torn hearing Jacob cry.

"Jacob I know but he's doing-" he cut me off by pulling away from my hug

"You knew?!" He said surprise

"Yea but-" he cut me off again

"and you wasn't going to tell me" he said " some friend you are stay the fuck away from me Davina I thought you change but it seem people never change"

"Jacob let me-" I begin but he was already walking away.

I started feel myself  tear up a bit. It's always her fault she always messing my life up. But this time  she won't get away with wait till I get home.


I was laying in my bed listening to "church" by Kristina Debarge. I was so hurt it was like couldn't stop crying. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop. I guess this what it meant when your heart is broken. It really feels like are broken into two. Then suddenly I seen it was Jaden who enter my room.

Look how you eyeing me
Look how you tryna get by on me
You should be tryna get high off me
Lie on me nigga please

We all need something to believe in

The music boomed in my ears. Jaden continue to walk towards me.

"Leave me alone" I said

She snatch the earphones out me ear and sat on my bed.

"Hey!" I begin

"Shut up and listen" Jaden said " I talked to tiara and she told me something I think you should know"

"What?" I asked

"Chres is being manipulated just like you" she said

"What are you talking about?" I said

"Lavina said that if he didn't go with her she will out you" Jaden said

"So...chres was protecting me?" I asked

Jaden nodded

"Oh no" I said getting up and grabbed my shoes and phone

"What?" Jaden asked


I entered the my house expecting my uncle to be in the but nope as always he's at at work. I heard music being played upstairs. Then suddenly footsteps came down and there my cousin stood there smirking. Fire build in my eyes.

"You bitch!!!!" I lunched my self towards her.

We both tumbled to the floor

"How could you do that to them!" I punched her face.

I she kicked me in my stomach and I stumbled on my behind holding my stomach. She then got up and grab my hair.

"You If you coming at me you better come at me right" she said dragging me across the floor

"Let me goo!" I started swinging my arms trying to reach her but I kept on missing.

Suddenly I felt her grip go off my hair and I heard a thump. I got on to my feet and see that tiara was there.

"Are you okay?" She asked come to aid me.

"Yea" I said still holding my side.

Lavina got up off the floor and walked up stairs

"They broken up so its too late" she laugh " I get what I want when want it."

I wanted to attack her again but tiara had her grib on and we headed out.


I again was on my way to chres house. I can't believe I didn't give him a chance to explain. I even smacked him and he didn't even hit me back. I'm the bad person here not him. The bus finally made a stop and I got off. I walked towards his house and walked up his steps. I drew in a deep breath and then knocked on the door. It took a long time before he answered the door but there he was shirtless. He had on some bikes socks and some basketball shorts.

"Hi" I said sad smiling

"What do you want?" He asked

His eyes were red

"are you smoking?" I asked

"No!" He calmed his self "no do you wanna smell me for anything?"

"No it's just your eyes are red so.." I trailed

"I cause I was c-" he stopped himself "never mind what do you want?"

"Can we talk?" I said

"No" he said nonchalantly

I was astonished.

"You made it clear when you told me I can't call you babe" he said.

"But tiara and them told me what happen" I said

" Jacob it's not about that" he sigh " if I can't be with you in public what's the point being together"

"Chres-" I sigh

" you know what...I'm tired I'll  talk to you later" he said not taking anytime to close the door.

I felt like crying more tears just came down. I don't know what to do at this point.

I guess me and chres are done


Happy Thanksgiving guys I hope you had a good thanksgiving today.

I'm thankful for mom and dad and God and my family. I know I could just said family but lol I'm difficult sometimes anyway I mainly thankful for you guys who read my story. It's like you guys inspire me to keep writing. Also you guys tolerate my mistakes and errors. Like if I could give each of you hugs I would. Anyway I hope you guys are eating good. So if you didn't get a thankful note. This is from me to you

P.S. I know y'all seen where it said I posted chapter 31 lol I was working on it and I accidentally tap published soo sorry lol anyway

Will chres and Jacob rekindle their love or will it just all go away




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