Chapter 35

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It's been a week since the incident and Jacob was coming home today. I was already over his house waiting for him. Jaden and Andre was on their way to get him. As I was in his house his aunt was in the kitchen cooking.

"Chres?" His aunt called me

"Yes Ms.Kerri?" I answered her

"First you can call me Kerri and secondly take a seat at the table let me talk to you" she said finishing putting the carrots in the pot and drying her hands off. I went to the dining room table and she followed.

I took a seat at the table and so did she.

"Okay now I really don't know anything so I need you too please tell me what happen" she said looking he into the eyes

I didn't want tell her that me and Jacob a couple because it was his job to come out to her. But Kerri seemed like one of those cool aunts who understands you even though you were in the wrong.

"Ok but promise me when he tells you, act like you don't please" I said

"Promise" she gave me a warmth smile.

"Me and Jacob are a couple" I said "we've been a couple for over a month"

"So that mean you guys are gay?" She said

"For each other" I said

"Right" she said

"But what happen was that me and him got into a situation where we both were being manipulated." I said " I was trying to protect and he was trying to protect me"

"But?" Kerri asked

"But it started to tear us apart Jacob was afraid to come out so Davina cousin threaten to put him if I didn't go with her" I said "and Damoni and co worker from Jacob job threaten to kill me if Jacob didn't share himself"

"Why didn't you guys tell an adult?" Kerri asked

"I mean we could but it would lead to Jacob being outed" I said

"Ok...continue on to the story"  she said

"So Jacob eventually realized he was in love with me and he came out to the school" I said "and he was gonna come out to you but.."

"Damoni" she finished

"Yea" I said

"Do you love Jacob?" My aunt Kerri asked

Of course!

"With all my heart that's why when Damoni was about to shoot Jacob I jump into the bullet but I guess it got both of us instead me" I said "I know you go to church and all but please don't shun Jacob away"

Kerri laugh

"Is that what he thought I would do?" She said "I could never do to him he's family and even though I go to church and believe in god I do believe that love is love and you can't stop wether you want to or not"

"But he didn't know that" I said

"Look Chres you love him that's all I need to know it's ok" Kerri said "plus from my teenage experience I can't be the one to judge"

"Wait what?" I frown

"Nothing" she face palm me pushing my head it back and getting up


When we arrived home I smelled good and it smelled so good. I was really getting tired of the hospital food Yuck! Anyway as I enter I seen Ray, Lani,Davina , tiara and Chres playing the game in the living room.

You and I (Royce) *Editing*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora