Chapter 10

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I was in my bed room looking at music videos. I just couldn't get my mind off of that day. It was like it's hard to explain.

"Jacob". My aunt knock on my door

"Come in!" I yelled

"Want any ice cream or something?" She said

"No thank you". I said

She nodded and close my door.

A few minutes later I had an appetite for coco puffs. So I walked down stairs poured me some cereal. I went back upstairs and I went to check on my brother. He was watching tv minding his business. I walked back into my room.

"Hey?". I quickly shutting my door noticing that voice

"What are you doing here how you get in?". I asked still having a spoonful of cereal in my mouth

"Chill out I can't hang out with my boyfriend?". Chres

"Woah woah woah boyfriend?". I raised a brow

"Yea...renember?". He asked. "Uh....yess rocky oh my god". He moan

"Ok ok I get the point". I said feeling annoyed. "What about ashley?"

"What about her?". He shrugged

"Aren't you guys a couple?". I asked

"Yea but I tell her....i just don't want to break her heart". He said

"Chres?". I said

"I'm going to tell her". He said

I sigh

"Chres I don't know.. I go to church and". I was cut off

"I'm not much of a Christian yet but I do know is that no sin is worse then the other". He said

He did have a point

"But I like girls". I said

"Maybe truu....but do you also feel some way to boys too?". Chres question

Yes. No. what is he doing to me

"I don't know I'm confuse". I said feeling a little sad.

Chres grab me

"Don't feel sad". He pulled me to him.

"Look" he said

I still had my face buried in his chest

He grab my chin

"I said look at me"

I looked at him

"I feel some way for you Jacob". He laugh " I'm gay for you"

He kissed me and it was so passionate.

After that we both played a little and we sat there watching madea laughing





You and I (Royce) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now