Chapter 28

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I was in the house watching tv. Every since Jacob and Chres date they been distance. I mean Chres comes over for about 2 hours but then leaves. I told Andre about it but he just said stay out of it. But it's been lasting for 2 months and school already started. But again I stay out of it.

Especially since I have to deal with my body drama. What do I mean body drama? Well thing is I might be pregnant. I mean Andre said he was gonna get a pregnancy test so I'm waiting on him. Finally Andre walked in had a bag of chips in his hand and somethings in the bag.

I ran to him

"Did you get it" I said

"What?" He question for second "ohh that here"

He said pulling out the pregnancy box.

See that's why I don't date people younger than me but Andre is a exception he's just has that spark

I took the box and did my business and waited for an minute. Andre knocked on the door and asked if I was ok. I said yea. After that I looked at the stick and my heart felt like it literally stop. I open the door finding Andre still there.

"What?" He asked

I showed him the stick

"Ah hell!" He stomped his feet

You got that right ah hell!


Yea yea some of you guys barely remember me but I'm Ray's girlfriend. Anyway I was on the volleyball team and lucky Davina offered a ride. When we got in the car she said she gonna stop by her house. When we arrived at the house I notice there was car that I swear I recognize. As I enter the house soul music greeted my ears.

"Don't worry it's just my cousin" Davina said

"Where's your parents?" I asked

"Dad he's working, My mom died giving me birth" she said

"Oh I'm sorry?" I said feeling sympathetic for her.

"no it's ok it's kinda runs in the family my mom mom died giving her birth Lavina mom died giving her birth" Davina shrugged

"Oh you guys have sicks genes running in the family" I said

"Yea...but come on" she said

I started follow and we ended up in her room. Her room was natural I mean it had Chris brown posters but yea. She started taking of her shirt. I wasn't uncomfortable because we were girls. But would it be weird if I say I found her a little attractive. Anyway I had to use the bathroom so..

"Hey I can I use the bathroom?" I asked

"Sure just go out this room and make a left you can't miss it" she said

I nodded and walked out her room. I went into the bathroom which she had blue curtains and a white sinks. Their floor was blue and the wall were also blue. The Toilet was and the tub. I did my business and washed my hands. I walked out the bathroom and then I started to hear moaning and groaning as I pass a room. As I peek through the crack of the door I saw a girl who look just like Davina. But you could tell something was off. Then I saw s dude with those things in his hair to help him get more curls. I know call me a peeping tom but maybe you shouldn't leave your door crack. As the dude turn his face over it was Chres.

The hell isn't he suppose to be with Jacob. Suddenly someone grab my shoulder and I jump

"What are you doing?" Davina asked

I shushed and pointed toward the door cracked open. As she saw her eyes widen. Chres started kissing Davina cousin neck thrusting into her at a medium pace. Was I getting turn on looking at this? No

Davina cousin started to moan real fast.

"I'm cumming" she moan

I heard Chres do a weird grunt which probably signified he was too.

I stood there with my eyes open and Davina hand over her mouth. I felt live throwing up but I resist the urge. I saw Chres starting to get up. Me and Davina started rush back to the room and shut the door.

"What just happen?" Davina asked

" are you talking about your cousin getting fucked by Chres that's what just happen" I said

"She did it" she mumbled to her self

"What are you talking about?" I squinted my eyes at her.

" my cousin told me she gonna be able to get Chres I told her she couldn't but she did" she sat on her bed "I was wrong"

I sat by her

"No you wasn' just put your faith into something that you couldn't control" I said

She side hug me

"Thanks" she smiled

" no problem" I smiled back " now let's go take me home I got a manicure appointment that needs to be rescheduled"

"Ok" she laugh

"Ok" I said opening the door and then was introduce with a Chres at the door

Davina let out a Yelp and I screamed

He shushed both of us by covering my mouth and pushed me into the room closing the door.

I swipe his nasty ass hand away from my mouth

"Don't touch me with your hand I don't know if you fingered before you fucked her" I said

"I'm disappointed in you Chres" Davina said folding her arms

"You guys don't even know what's going on" he said

"Oh yea?" Davina question

"Try us?" I lifted a brow


Yayyyyy I got to update again well this chapter was already finished when I posted the other chapter but so many ppl wanted more so there ya go

Easy question why did jaden and Andre say ah hell?

Will tiara and Davina understand Chres situation?




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