Chapter 9

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It was lunch and I just got an salad I wasn't much hungry.

"What's on your mind jakey?". Andre asked eating his orange

I shook my head

"You sure?". He asked

"Yea" I sigh "hey where's Lani"

"She out sick" he said

"Aww". I said picking at my salad. "Andre can I tell you something?

"Sure buddy". He smiled

"Like a man to man talk" I said

"Ok" he drag the o

"I think I'm confused" I said

His expression was regular

"Why you say that?" he asked

"Because....chree kissed me" I whispers and made sure no one heard

"What!" he laughed

"It's not funny". I said seriously

"I know its not but it just a surprise". He said "actually I did catch him starring at me when we both ran track"

I just stood there

"Jacob...its kinda obvious if Chres always pointing out what me and you do is soo gay 9 times out of ten. The must be having major problems". He pointed his finger "that right there is a problem"

"Ooook". I said still confuse

"Jacob you still my friend I don't care what you do or who you like". He grab my shoulder " I have more tolerance then anyone else"

I smiled

"Thanks Andre"

He nodded

"Heyyy fags" Mario laughed

"You know that's the nicest thing you ever said". Andre said sarcastically

"You know....its funny how you call some one would you had to be there...and if you that makes you one" I said

"Shut up chressnto told me that you be looking at boys and ass". Mario said

"Fuck you!!" Andre said

I saw chressnto walking out I looked at him and ran inside.

"Hey ja-". He was cut off by me

"Fuck you chres" i said coldly

I ran in the bathroom and cried. I finally pulled my self together.

"Fuck what they say" I said too my self

I heard some one coming. I ran inside the stall.

"Jake?". It was chressnto who called

"This not jake I think he ran out". I said in a deep voice

"Ok thanks" he said

I heard the door close

I made a relief.

When I open my stall chres was in front

"Oh shit". I said

"Next time think about your shoes". He said

"Get out my face" I tried walking away.

He pushed me on the stall with him locking it

"What's wrong?" He asked

"You told Mario and them I be looking at boys which isn't true". I said

"Jake that was before all this between me you". He said

I rolled my eyes

He came closer to me and put his head in the crook my my neck.

"You please forgive me" he said

"Chres n-". I was cut off him him kissing my neck.

"S-s-stop" I stuttered

He grab my waist and deepens the kiss on my neck. He starred twirling his tongue on my neck. He went from neck to unbuckling my belt.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper

"Shut the fuck up". He said kissed Me with passion. He back to unbuckling my pants and got on girls knees

"Oh no chres d-" I was cut off with him putting me in his mouth.

"Uhhh" I moan

My hand grab his curls.
"Roc" I moan.

He was going fast swirling his tongue.

I felt something in my stomach. I was about the reach my peak

" about" I said out of breath feeling so much pleasure.

He took me out his mouth stroking me.

"I'm falling for Jacob" he said stroking fast. "be mine"

"I don't know" i moan

He took his him self his pants and started rubbing us together.

"Oh god chresanto." I moan a little louder

I couldn't take the pleasure and him kissing my neck

"Be mine jake" he rubbing me and his

I reached my peak

"Yesssss" I moan as I released

He put him self back in and put me back.

"I see you later". He kissed my cheek and walked out

I stood there thinking.

What did I get my self into


Wow never knew chres had it in him

P.s: if you guys haven't yet please check out my new book the lust and give some comments on what you think it if you don't like it say it but don't be harsh with it lol... I promise to respond




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