The Birth of the Black Phantom: Finale

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There was a figure walking through the woods whistling a tune that echoed throughout the whole forest since that was the only thing you could hear in the night.... But not for long.

(A/N: If you wondering what tune it is, just imagine the whistling tune from 'Kill Bill')

Tonight, was a night that will soon be filled with screams of pain and agony. Explosives going off, the burning of buildings, the clash between swords, the blood splattering on the floor and walls.

The cries of help and mercy will not be heard because as soon someone opens their mouth, a throat will be slashed.

Bodies will be on the floor.

Heads will be rolling.

Blood would be painted on the wall.

Screams will flow with the wind.

Hearts will stop beating.

Tainted souls will be consumed by the Death God himself.

And eye's will be taken back.

For tonight shall not be known as a war, but a massacre.

An extermination.

'Yes.' Naruto thought to himself with an devilish smile as walked in the moonlight.

'An extermination to get rid of the parasites who have been destroying Konoha for too long. It is a path I am risking to take to keep everyone I love safe. I've lost my two closest friends, I can't risk losing anyone else. I'm sorry Aunt Mikoto, Aunt Mebuki, Sasuke, Naruko-chan, Yugao-chan. But I'm doing this for you.' Naruto thought as he walked in front of a huge building causing him to look up.

"So this is Danzo's ROOT Base? Doesn't matter. It will burn to the ground once I'm through." Naruto thought as he slid his ANBU mask on and activated his matured Sharingan.

"Let's get wild." Naruto stated as he flashed to his nearest kunai.


There was rattling at the door in the middle of the night. After what seemed like what an hour of rattling, the door seemed to open causing the moonlight to creep in the house. There was an fat man walking in the house, who smelled of sake and perfume.

The man was drunk, but not to drunk. If that made any since. In other words, he was drunk enough to know what was going on but his walking was slightly off. Back to the story.

He began walking through the house but quickly turned on the lights in order to see better. He walked into the kitchen and put his keys on the counter while walking towards the sink to fix him a cup of water. After fixing the cup of water, he turned the faucet off and begin drinking the water.

"Did you have fun?" a voice said causing the man to choke on his water. The man turned around quickly and gasped.

"N-Namikaze-Sama?! What are you doing here???" The man yelled in a state of shock.

Dark, violet eyes glowed menacingly in the dark. Then another light came on, showing no one other than Naruto himself.

"Why am I here??? Well there are certain things I want to talk to you about. But it seems that I'm not welcomed here. So I guess I'll be leaving." Naruto said as he rose up to his full height and began stretching.

"N-No that's not what I meant My Lord! I was just shocked to see you this late. Please have a seat." The man said while sweating.

"Great. Because I wasn't leaving anyway." Naruto said with an 'innocent' smile.

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