A/N and how the story would've ended

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Hey guys! So it's been a loooong time and I gotta be honest, I'm not going to continue this story. I started writing this when I was 14 years old and I'm now almost 22, unfortunately I just don't feel the same love for this story as I did when I first wrote it. I've changed a lot since then and so have my interests, I just don't feel like I could continue this when I just don't feel passionate about it anymore. I really, really appropriate all the love you've given for this story and I'm so sorry to let anyone who was hoping for an update down. I do feel like at the very least I should give you guys some idea of what would've happened had I finished this book and I was also curious to know if any of you would be interested in reading an original story with my own characters, should I decide to write one. I've always been a lover of romance and who doesn't love a typical ' bad boy' character, so it would follow that theme but just have a more adult feel to it, now that I'm a bit older. I'm always open to any ideas, it would probably be based with the characters in university and I'm still on the fence about making it with supernatural elements or not, so please do comment if you think that's something you'd find interesting and I might give writing another go, and try to be better with updating and doing longer chapters. Anyways, thank you again for all the love and support, and this is how I planned to finish the story ...


You and Marshall had been together for a year now and are walking back to his house where you are having a party to celebrate.

"Do you remember when Ashely crashed that party you threw when I first for here? I really hope that doesn't happen again." You laugh a little, remembering the events of the night.

"How could I forget? She was so drunk and hysterical, I still have a dent in my wall from the plate she threw. I really think she would've killed me if you hadn't dragged her out of there. My hero." He puts his arm around you and kisses your cheek.

"Kill you? I'm still afraid she's just waiting around the corner to get me!" You both burst into laugher.

"Don't worry babe, I'll protect you this time if she tried anything." At first you hated when he called you that but now, you kinda love it. It's so nice that you're the only one who gets to see this loving and tender side to Marshall and it makes you feel special.

As you're walking through the forest something catches your eye, a big chunk of metal? "What's that over there, I've never seen that before." You point to where it is and make your way over there.

"That's weird, over never seen that before either. Maybe it's one of Gumball's failed experiments, he seems to have a lot of those." He laughs to himself but as you get closer you know exactly what it is.

"I can't believe it! Marshall this is a piece of the plane I was on! How did this get here? Why has it only just appeared?!" You're in total disbelief, this doesn't make any sense. If this was here, does that mean other people are here? Could your parents be here?

"Are you certain? It's been 2 years, maybe your confused."

"I'm 100% sure!" You run over to fully investigate and as you reach it, you notice something, or someone inside. "It's you! You're the lady I saw on the plane and in my dreams, who are you and how did you get here?!" You feel kinda bad bombarding her but you need answers.

"Nice to see you again (Y/N), I'm the one who saved you. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't exist right now." She says calmly.

"Wouldnt exist?! What'd you mean?!" Either this lady is crazy or you are.

"You died, I brought your soul here." She casually explains.

"Okay, you're gonna need to start giving me some full explanations, cause this is madness! I'm dead?!" You look to Marshall who looks just as dumbfounded as you.

"Well, as you may remember, your plane crashed. Just before you perished I removed your soul and brought you here. I'm a witch of sorts, I suppose. I take souls that are to be gone too soon and put them in different worlds so they may live on. You're special, you have a gift that has not yet awakened and I needed to preserve that gift by saving your soul. I'm here to help you awaken and control your powers. It's all quite simple really."

"I'm dead." You whisper to yourself as you feel yourself collapse and Marshall 's arms holding you are the last thing you feel before everything goes black.

Soooooo, that's it! That's how this book would've ended. I know, not super satisfying but that's what I had planned all along. Once again thank you all for reading and let me know if you do want  to write another book that I will try to actually finish. Love you all and goodbye for this story :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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