Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 6

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Yay summer break and more frequent updates!! :)

"Marshall where are we going exactly?" You asked as the vampire flew you across Aaa.

"That's a surprise babe." He winks at you and the rest of the journey is silent, but not an uncomfortable one.

You gaze down below you until you find yourself at the opening of a very dark cave.

"Well here we are." Marshall says as he gently places you at the mouth of the cave, which as you look inside you see a small house.

"Is this your home?" You question.

"Sure is, just wait till you see the inside. Come on." He carefully takes hold of your hand and leads you toward the small but cute looking house.

Like the gentleman Marshall is he opens the door and allows you to enter first.

"Yeah it's kinda small but comfy, you know?" He says as he walks into what appears to be the kitchen. "So you hungry or want anything to drink? Oh, but the only food I own is red things like strawberries and apples and the only drink I have is tap water so, yeah." He explains while awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Strawberries sound great if your sure you don't mind." You quietly reply.

"Nah it's fine." He walks over to his fridge and pulls out a bowl of the biggest strawberries you have ever seen.

"Oh my glob. Thats huge!" You shout obviously not meaning to be as loud as you were.

"Oh sorry, I guess you're just so beautiful you set me off." He grinned at you. You blushed instantly understanding what he was talking about.

"M-marshall you perv!!" You face was only growing redder by the second.

"Haha. So anyways what do you wanna do? We can watch a movie, play some games or go to my room." He winks at you on the last suggestion.

"Um how about a game? What do you have?" You asked.

"Hmm lets see." He walks over to his game collection while humming. "How about Left 4 dead 2?" He holds out the game to you and it does look rather interesting so you deicide to play it.

~Two hours later~

"Noooooo Nick for Glob sake heal me!!"You yell at the Tv while Marshall just laughs while sitting next to you. "Annnnnnnddddd now I'm dead!" You cross your arms over your chest with a frown on your face.

"Awwww you look so cute with that look on your face." Marshall turns off the game and just looks at you.

"What? Dude come on it's creepy having you stare at me like that." However this does not make Marshall stop in fact his face is slowly coming closer to yours.

"You're really pretty you know that?" Just as you feel Marshall's cool breath on your face from how close he is the door opens with a bang.

"(Y/N)!!! Oh thank Glob your okay. PG told us the Marshall kidnapped you, so we came to your rescue!" Fionna exclaims proudly while puffing out her chest.

"Seriously again!?!?!?!" Marshall yells as he was once again interrupted.

"See? I told you he was a flirt!!" Cake says while pointing her paws at Marshall.

Today was a very interesting first day.

Well that's it for this chapter I promise to update more often and hopefully make longer chapters. As always comment what you think :) xx

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