Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 2

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Owwww, your head was in a massive amount of pain. Your (Y/E) started to slowly open, but quickly shut as there was a bright light in your face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to shine it in your beautiful eyes. Please forgive me." A male voice said.

"Huh?" You open your eyes once again to see a pink man in front of you.

"W-who are you?!" 

"Oh, how rude of me, my name is Prince Bubba Gumball, but you can just call me Prince Gumball or PG." He stretched out his hand for you to shake. 

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L). It's nice to meet you. But would you mind telling me where the lump I am?!" You asked a little bit freaked out about the fact your alone in the room with him, in a place you don't know of.

"Why, your in the Candy Kingdom of course!" He explained with a big smile on his face.

"And where's that exactly?" 

"In the great land of Aaa."

"Aaa? I've never herd of a place called Aaa. Am I still dreaming?" You pinched your arm, in the hope you'd wake up from this strange dream, but nothing happened.

"Oh, please do not damage such beautiful skin!" He said while rubbing your arm. 

"Erm, ok, listen. Your weird and I'm leaving." You begin to get up from the bed your in and head to the door when he grabs your arm. "Hey, let go of me!!" You scream at him and try to realise your arm free.

"Please, do not be afraid princess, I'm only here to help you." He exclaimed trying to calm you down.

"I SAID LET GO!!!" You slap his hand and sprint out the door and castle.

"What a weirdo." You thought as you made your way out of the 'Candy Kingdom'. 

Marshall POV:

"Did that really just happen? Hahahahaha, she looked terrified of you Bubba. I guess your not so perfect after all." I smirked at him, he looked so pissed.

"What are you doing here Marshall?" He glared at me, trying and failing to look tough.

"Fi told me about the new girl, so I came by to check her out. And after that performance, I'm so glad I did, hahahaha." I just couldn't stop laughing.

"Leave Marshall! Guards!!!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going. I've got a new friend to see anyway. Later bubblebutt." I stick my snake like tongue out at his and fly out of the window, to go find my new 'Friend'.

Thats all for this chapter. I might update again later in the day it depends. Anyway comment what you thought!! :) xx

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