Marshall Lee X Reader - Adverture High - Part 15

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Hey, guys! Sorry it's been a while but here's the next chapter finally.

The next morning, you woke up before the Fionna alarm. Checking your phone you saw that it was 6:04am, almost a whole hour before you'd usually wake up. You rubbed your tired eyes and got up, knowing that you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.

After a nice shower you got dressed into ( and still had about half an hour before Cake and Fionna and a whole hour and a half before you'd leave for school. Since Cake always makes you breakfast and her and Fi were nice enough to let you live here, you decided that you were going to treat them to breakfast in bed.

Pancakes was the first breakfast Cake had made you, so you choose to make the same but rather than savoury pancakes with bacon, yours were going to have strawberries, syrup and cream. Just like your mum used to make you. You begin to wonder what had happened to them, were they here?, were they in the real world?, were they hurt?, were they even alive? You started to become sad thinking about the worst possibilities but tried to remain positive, if you were okay, hopefully that meant they were too.

You went to the kitchen and began to mix the ingredients needed to make pancake batter and poured some into a hot pan. It began to sizzle and soon the room was filled with a delicious smell. Once you'd made them all you divided them between 3 plates. You then made a small mountain of cream on top of each stack, carefully placed strawberries on top and drizzled syrup over each. Picking up two of the plates you walked towards Cake's room first.

You set down Fionna's plate so you could knock on the door.

*knock, knock*

"Come in!" You heard her say from inside the room.

Opening the door, you greeted her. "Good morning Cake. I made breakfast." You said cheerily.

"Oh that looks amazing! Thanks gurl!" She said as you handed her the plate.

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks." You said and then left the room to go give Fionna her food.

*knock, knock*

"Yeah?" Fionna called through the door.

You walked into her room. Fionna was barely visible under all her blankets. "Hey Fi, I made you breakfast." You walked towards her bed and waited for her to under tangled her self from the sheets and then passed her the plate. 

"Ooh! Thanks (Y/N)!" She said excitedly.

"No problem, hope you enjoy." You left her room and walked back to the kitchen to have your breakfast.

As you reached the room you were met with the one and only: Marshall Lee. You were shocked to see floating there, but that soon changed to anger when you realised he was sucking the red out of your strawberries from your pancakes.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" You asked with an annoyed look on your face and your arms crossed against your chest.

"Oh hey (Y/N). I'm just enjoying this lovely breakfast you made." He replied looking smug.

"Breakfast I made for myself." You said taking the plate from him and going to sit down at the table.

"Well, you should learn to share more. Especially when it tastes this good. I've had a lot of red coloured things in my life and these are the best." He said stealing another strawberry.

"Hey!" You yelled and tried to take it back from him but before you could, Fionna appeared wearing ( She had a big smile on her face.

"Good morning love birds!" She said winking at the both of you.

"Love birds? Please, he wishes." You replied going back to your food.

After being teased all morning by Fionna, you, her and Marshall leave for a long day at school.

Just before you arrive you bump into Gumball.

"Morning PG!" Fionna said as she waved excitedly.

"Good morning Fionna and you too (Y/N). How are you both doing this lovely morning?" He asked as he walked over to join you, clearly choosing to ignore Marshall.

"I'm doing great, thanks! (Y/N) made breakfast this morning, it was so delicious!" Fionna replied.

"I'm also doing pretty good, thanks and I'm glad you liked it Fi." You responded with a smile.

"That's good to hear. (Y/N) you should come to the cooking club sometime, it'd be great to have you join." PG said as you reached the front of the building. "Well, I'll see you two later." He said as he walked into the school.

"Wow, what a douche bag." Marshall said, reminding you both that he was still there.

"You're just jealous cause he wants (Y/N) to join the cooking club with him." Fionna teased.

"Obviously" Marshall said as he rolled his eyes.

The three of you walked to your first class that you all had together, drama and there was defiantly going to be a lot of that in this class.

That's all for now, I really hope you guys enjoyed. As always leave a comment on what you thought. I read every comment and just want to say a huge thank you to all of you, some of you have been so kind in the things you've said and I really appreciate it and it means so much to me, you're all amazing! 😊 xx

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