Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 4

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"Um, it''s (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L)." You replied.

"How about I just call you my girlfriend?" You blushed madly.

"Um, no that's ok."

"Marshall stop flirting with (Y/N) and go home, we need to sleep for school tomorrow." Fionna said while pushing Marshall out the door.

"Bye, beautiful." He winked at you just before the door closed.

"See, I told you that boys trouble, anyways lets all go to bed." Cake said as she stretched up the stairs.

"Come on, I put some pyjamas in your wardrobe too."

"Thank you."

You walk up stairs with Fionna and say goodnight to one another as you go into your separate rooms. You walk to your closet and put on your pyjamas, brush your teeth, hair and climb into bed snuggling next to the teddy on your bed and fall asleep.

~Time Skip To Morning~

"(Y/N)...........(Y/N)" Someone was lightly shaking you while calling your name. You eyes slowly open, to see Cake.
"Oh, morning Cake."
"Morning honey, breakfast will be ready in 10 so you have till then to get ready ok?" She left you room so you could get dressed and leave your room to go meet everyone downstairs.

"Morning (Y/N)!" Fionna greeted you now dreseed and ready for school

"Morning Fionna and thank you so much for the clothes." you thanked her and sat at the table

"No problem, you look great. Marshall's gunna be all over you." She winked at you and took a seat next to Cake.

"Dig in guys." Cake said as she placed your serving of bacon pancakes in front of you.

"Oh.My.Glob. Why have I never had these before?!?" You exclaimed as your (Y/E) lit up.

"Haha, thank you honey."

After everyone was done with breakfast you all left to make your way to school.

"Wow, this place is huge!" You said as you stare at the huge building in front of you.

"Don't worry, just stay with me forever and you'll never get lost." A male voice purred in your ear. You turn around to see Marshall standing behind you with an umbrella over him.

"Marshall you stay away from (Y/N)!" Cake hissed at him.

"What are you gunna do about it kitty?" He said as he picked you up and flew you into the school.

"Now, is the princess gunna tell me what lessons she has?"

"Oh, I don't know yet." You replied.

"Then it looks like we're going to the office first." Just as he said that the bell went signalling it's time for first lesson.

"You can go to your lesson. I'm sure I can find the office on my own." You didn't want him to be late to his lesson because of you.

"Don't worry, I have maths first." 

He leads you though the empty halls of the school and you find the office. You receive your scheduled and it turns out that the only lesson you aren't with Marshall, is your sex education class, which considering he's a flirty teenage boy, it's probably for the best. 

"What? I wanted to be with you in that class the most. I was going to volunteers us to demonstrate stuff." He winks at you and you go a scarlet red. "The red on your cheeks looks good enough to eat." Just as he's about to lick your face, Gumball walks over.

Thats it for today I'll update again tomorrow and sorry about making Marshall such a perv but I think he would be like that in real life. Comment what you think :) xxx

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