Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 9

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Hey guys I'm so, so sorry for not updating! My lap top broke and I had to wait until Christmas to get a new one. I'll try and update more oftern but I can't make any promises as my exams are in six months so I wanna revise as much as possible before then. I'm getting my mock results bakc on Wednesday so if it's good news I'll probably update either that day or the weekend, if not I'll probably update anyways depending on homework and such. Anyways on with the story. 


"Hey Marshall you home?" You knocked on the vampires door and called out to him. About three seconds later it opened to show a nice set of well-defined abbs.

"Hey (Y/N), I know I'm hot an all but was there a reason you came here? I was about to get into the shower." He noticed you staring which caused you to flush red.

" I came here because....uh....think fast!" Before the teen could make sense of what you just said, you throw a handful of glitter into the air, completly covering him.

Marshall blinked a couple of times and then registered what you'd just done. At first you thought he'd be angry and chase you around for hours but instead, he smirked. It wasn't his usual flirty smirk but more of a sadist one that kinda scared you. The next thing you knew you where in his arms and the door was slammed shut and locked behind you. 

"So, the good little girl wants to be bad, huh?" Marshall carried you up stairs to his room ( ) and placed you onto his bed. Only now did you realize that Marshall only had a towel around his waist, you where so distracted by his shirtless body that you hadn't noticed. "Throwing glitter on me has made me pretty mad, so now I'm gunna have to punish you~." He whispered the last into your ear causing a shiver to run up your spine. 

You where about to reply when suddenly....

~Meanwhile with Fionna and Cake~

"Cake I'm home~!" Fionna called as she entered the tree house.

"Welcome back honey." Cake replied.

"Hey is (Y/N) home she was pretty upset in school so I know she left early." Fionna asked with clear concern for you.

"She was but she's gone to Marshall's place. Honestly I don't know why she hangs around with that good for nothing vampire. I really hope the two don't end up together but Marshall seems to flirt with her more than her normal does with other girls, so I bet he has a thing for her. I just hope he doesn't break her heart." Cake sighed.

As if remembering something Fionna jumped. "Erm Cake? Doesn't Marshall usually have a shower about this time? Last time I went to his at this time to see if he wanted to go on an adventure he said he can't cause he normally washes at this time." Fionna said.

"Now that you mention it I do remember you telling me about that and (Y/N)'s been gone for a while. Oh no! We've got to save (Y/N)! Come on Fionna!" Cake and Fionna rushed out the door and to your rescue.

Sorry guys but that's all for this chapter you're gunna have to wait till the next one to find out if Fionna and Cake 'save' you. As always leave a comment on what you thought. xx

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