Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 3

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You were wondering around the land of Aaa, when you came across a tree house. Curiosity got the better of you so you deicide to knock on the door, to see if anyone lived there.

  KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. You stood waiting for a few minuets and was about to leave, when the door suddenly opened to reveal a blonde girl, who you could guess was about the same age as you. 

"Oh, hello. Your the girl me and cake found unconscious on the floor last week. Are you looking for a place to stay?" She asked.

"Oh, no........well, yeah. I"

"Haha. Come on in, don't be scared. Me and Cake already told PG it was ok for you to live with us, but he looked quite keen to have you stay there."

"You mean the pink freak!? I ran away from that place, cause he was being weird!" You explained.

"PG's not weird! Oh well, your welcome to stay here if you want. We have a spare bedroom upstairs." She smiled at you. 

"Well, you do seem a lot friendlier then Prince Pink, so if your sure you don't mind-"

"Oh course not! Come on in."   

You walked into the tree house to see it was a lot bigger than you originally thought.

"Wow, this place is huge!" 

"Haha, everyone says that when they first see it. Anyway let me show you to your room." You both walked upstairs and in to a beautifully decorated room.  

"Wow this room is amazing!"

"Glad you like it! Cake designed it." She said.

"Who's Cake?" Just as you said that a beige and white cat walked into the room.

"Hiya hun, I'm Cake the cat." She stretched her arm out to you, literately.

"The cat just spoke!" You were so surprised to hear a cat talking, but then again you did meet a pink may a little while ago.

"Oh, yeah I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Fionna The Human!"

"(Y/N) (Y/L)." You shake both their hands, forgetting about the fact that her pet cat can talk.

  ~Time Skip To Dinner~

  "Dinner's ready!"Cake called through the house.

"Coming!" Both you an Fionna called at the same time.

"Smell's great Cake." you complimented.

"Thanks sweet cheeks. Hopefully it will taste even better."

"So (Y/N), you ready for school tomorrow?"

"Huh? You have school here too?!" 

"Oh, course! The people of Aaa need a good education too." Cake replied.

"I've left some of my clothes in the wardrobe for you to wear tomorrow." Fionna said

"Thank you." 

"I can't wait for you to meet our other friends! Oh, I really hope we have the same classes. Cake's in the year above so it would be nice to have a girl friend in my classes!"

"I hope so too as I don't know anyone else."

"You know Gumball."

"Wait! He goes to school? I thought he was a prince."

"Even Prince's need education." Cake said, rejoining our conversation.

"Yep and a king attends out school also, he's a friend of mine!"

"Yeah, the king of flirting and playing girls!" By this comment from Cake you can guess she doesn't like him.

"Cake, don't be mean! Marshall's not that bad." She then turns to you "The boy we're talking about is Marshall Lee the Vampire King, don't be put off with the fact he's a vampire, he's a nice guy once you get to know him."

"Nice? Baby, I'm from the Night O'Sphere. I've killed before." A male voice said from behind you. Turning around you saw a boy who also looked your age. However he was grey, had pointy ears, fangs, slightly red eyes, he was floating and you were terrified.

"Marshall stop scaring (Y/N)!" Fionna yelled at him.

"But she looks so cute when she's scared." He lifted your chin up to have a better look at you. "Hello beautiful, the names Marshall Lee and who might you be?"  

That's it for this chapter. I'll write another tomorrow, comment what you think :) xxx

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