Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 14

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Hey, guys! I'm so,so sorry for not updating I know it's been forever (almost a year to be exact.), but I have finally got around to writing the next part of this story so I hope you enjoy.

After your 'adventures' with Marshall, you returned to school to be met with a very angry looking Fionna. 

" Where the heck have you been? Do you have any idea how worried I was?! I thought you got kidnapped by the Lich or something!" She yelled.

"Calm down Fi, I just borrowed her for a while." Marshall replied to your defense.

"I swear, Cake's right, you really are just trouble. Oh well, at least you're okay (Y/N)." 

With that, you all headed to the lunch hall to get some food (not that you where really that hungry after your picnic with Marshall). You knew you shouldn't but you couldn't help but keep replaying that kiss over and over in your head, so much so that you hadn't even realized that you'd reached the lunch hall and LSP was trying to make conversation with you. 

"Sorry, what?" You asked. 

"Oh my Glob! I said, so who could you see yourself taking to make-out point? If you had to choose someone, other than me obviously, since we all know I'd be your first choice." This question caught the attention of almost everyone on the table and made you blush.

"Oh, uh, I dunno, I haven't really thought about anything like that." You looked down in the hopes to hide your ever-growing embarrassment. 

"Oh, come on! There must be someone." LSP insisted that you give him a response, fortunate for you shortly after him asking there was a loud bang.


"What was that?!" Fionna exclaimed, as she rushed over from where the noise had come from. 

Everyone slowly started to gather around the outside of a science lab where the bang was heard and a lot of smoke can be seen flooding out of the room door, and where a coughing Prince Gumball was found walking out of.

"Are you okay?!" Fionna said in a panicked voice as she rushed to his aid.

"Oh, Fionna, I'm perfectly fine. Just a mix up of chemicals, it would seem that the solutions where switched by someone, resulting in, well, you can see what happened." He replied through coughs.

Very faintly you could hear laughter in all the commotion coming from the one boy who was currently occupying all your thoughts, Marshall Lee. It wasn't that much of a surprise to you that he was the one who did this, his and Gumball's relationship seems very 'playful'. You decided to confront the giggling boy. 

"So, am I right to assume that before you came to steal me from my lesson, you messed with PG's science experiment?" You asked as you joined him, leaning against the wall.

"Smart and pretty, you really are a rare treat." He replied with a wink.

"Doesn't look like I'm the only one." You said as you could spot pink hair storming toward your direction.

"Marshall! Do you have any idea how dangerous that could've been?! What if the entire room exploded, huh? You just think that everything is a fun little joke, you don't consider that there could have been very serious consequences. You need to learn to think a little before you do these silly things!" He angrily said.

"I'm sorry where you talking? I totally zoned out." Marshall lazily replied.

Gumball just let out an annoyed groan and stormed away while Marshall stood there laughing.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, after a lovely pizza made by Cake, you went to bed, ready to face whatever tomorrow should bring.

That's all for now, again I'm so sorry for not updating in ages, I really hope you enjoyed and as always leave a comment on what you thought :) xx

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