Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 7

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Hey guys! Guess what time it is? Adventure Time! Which also means update time! Yay! :) xx

"(Y/N)!! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Someone was continuously shouting your name while jumping on your bed. This someone was no other than Fionna. "COME ON (Y/N) TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOOOOL~" 

"5 more minuets please." You say as you pull your blanked back over your sleepy head.

"Nope! You need to get up! Don't want to leave Marshall waiting do you~" She jumps off of your bed and toward your wardrobe. "Here. Get changed and be down in 10 minuets." She throws some clothes onto the bed then exits your room, leaving you to change.

Once you are all ready you walk downstairs to the smell of Cakes amazing cooking.

"Morning sweet cheeks. You sleep well?" She asks while placing a large plate of toast on the table.

"Amazing, until I was rudely woken this morning." You glare in Fionna's direction seeing she is no longer in pyjamas but this properly dressed instead.

"Sorry but if you'd woken when I knocked on the door I wouldn't of had to." She smiles innocently at her reply.

You simply groan in response and eat your breakfast.

~Time Skip to fist lesson at school~

"Ok class today we are going to be learning about-" Thats all you heard because Marshall walked in, interrupting your teacher. "Mr. Abadeer care to explain why you are late to class?" Your Geography teacher questioned.

"Oh well I was going to be on time but than I remembered how funny you look when mad so I purposely came to class late." He smiled at the teacher and walked toward you to take the empty seat beside you. "Hey your looking good today. The red jewellery defiantly suits you, you should wear that colour as clothing." He says while licking his lips.

"No thanks I don't feel like having my clothes drained of their colour by you." You smile smugly and turn to the front again but you cannot concentrate on your teacher as Marshall takes it upon himself to distract you, by throwing pieces of paper in your hair. You manage to ignore him, until one lands down your shirt.

"BULLSEYE!" Marshall shouts while standing from his chair. 

"Mr. Abadeer if you cannot keep quiet I will have you removed from the room!" Your teacher yells in Marshall's direction. Then turns to you. "And Miss (L/N) if you continue to encourage him you will be removed as well!" 

"What? But Sir I wasn't doing anything!" You say in defence.

"Miss (L/N) if you continue to argue with me I will send you to the head teacher! Do I make myself clear!?!" 

"Crystal." You mumble as you fold you arms and look down in defeat.

"Good. Now were was I? Ah yes, volcanoes-" You didn't listen the rest of the lesson due to your bad mood and it was all thanks to a certain vampire.

~Time Skip to lunch~

You had ignored Marshall for the rest of the day as it was his fault you got into trouble. You were on your way to the lunch room when you bumped into a girl dressed in all blue.

"Oops I'm sorry I should have been looking where I was going." You said quickly.

"Normally I wouldn't forgive so easily, but I saw you with my Gumball yesterday so I'm guessing your a friend of his. Oh, but like I said Gumball is mine so don't get too friendly with him." She smiled a very creepy one at that.

"I wouldn't worry about that Princess Pink is way to weird, I wouldn't even say I am a friend of his." You reply.

"How dare you say that about my prince!!" Just as her hands started to glow Fionna once again came to your recue.

"Hey Ice Queen aren't you a little old to be in school?" She shouted with clenched fists.

"Oh silly Fionna, can't you see I look much younger now and it's all thanks to a lovely witch named Ashley."

"ASHLEY!?!" Fionna and Marshall yelled who thanks to his vampire hearing overheard from the other end of the hallway.

"Huh? Whose Ashley?" 

That's it for this chapter hope you enjoyed. As always leave a comment :) xx

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