Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 12

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The door burst open to show Mr Marshall Lee, who when he noticed the current situation, flew over to Ashley and you and got in between the two of you, then attempted to defuse the situation.

"Okay, Okay. No need to fight over me, especially you Ashley, we're not getting back together so what's the point in fighting her?" He said. This made you realize that Ashley had made up the thing about her and Marshall being together. For some reason it made you very happy to hear this.

"Marshall, baby, you don't really mean that. Remember all the fun we had together? You won't get any of that with this prude." She said, shoving you and standing in front of Marshall.

"And why would he want to date a crazy person who threatens his friends? If it was for the sex then I'm pretty sure he'd be better off with almost anyone else, as he wouldn't have the risk of getting herpes with them." You replied, shoving her out of the way and standing in front of Marshall. "Your insane ex, threw a rock in my window saying she was your girlfriend and was gunna kill me if I hung around you."

"What the fuck Ashley?! We're over! Get that into your head! I can be friends with whoever the hell I want to be friends with! You don't own me!" He shouted at her.

She was about to respond when your teacher decide to get involved. "Excuse me Mr Abadeer, but this is the female class, what business do you have here, other than disrupting my class?" She yelled at him clearly annoyed that the lesson had been disrupted by this small fight.

"I'm sorry Miss, I came here to collect Miss (L/N) as she is required in reception." He replied with a calm expression.

"Fine, (Y/N) go with him and then we can finally get back on track." 

You nodded in response and followed Marshall out of the room, after collecting your bag

When out of the room you decided to ask Marshall why you are needed. "Hey Marshall, why do they need me in reception? You questioned.

"Oh, they don't. I got kicked out of my lesson and was bored so thought we could hang out." He replied with a smirk.

"Seriously? We spend almost the whole school day together and you couldn't spend an hour alone?" You were a little annoyed that he dragged you out of your lesson but, you couldn't help that happy feeling you also had.

"What can I say? I was getting serious withdrawal symptoms." 

You lightly punched his arm in response but decided against going back to class, so you just let Marshall lead you away.

You follow him as he leads you outside and across the school field and all the way to the fence around the perimeter of the school. He walks up to a broken part of the fence, lifts it and goes under it and then turns around to be met with an uncertain look on your face.

"Come on (Y/N),  it'll be fun I promise." He holds the piece of broken fence, so you can get through without hurting yourself. You decided to trust him and so you carefully go under the fence.

He leads you through a small path that has been made where the trees separate from each other, with the sun shining through the leaves it looked truly beautiful.

"How much longer? My legs are getting tired from all the walking" You whined to him as you had been walking for about 10 minutes.

"Would you like me to carry you?" He questioned.

Normally you would instantly decline and get irritated with him, but you were really tired and so decided to take him up on his offer. "Yes..." You said quietly, almost hoping he didn't hear you.

He lightly laughed and scooped you up in his arms, bridal style. You blushed instantly, but rested your head on his chest anyway.

The walk didn't last much longer and soon you were at an opening.

"Wow." Was all that left your lips at the sight in front of you.

That's all for now guys, but I've already written the next part and will probably post it tomorrow or Friday. As always leave a comment on what you thought :) 

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