Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 11

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 Hey guys, I hope it's not been too long since my last update but here's a new one:

You awoke the next morning to see that it was still fairly dark outside. You guessed it must have been about 4am, what woke you was the tapping noise on your window. You slowly rose from bed, rubbing your eyes about the punch whoever thought it was a good idea to wake you, in the face. As you reached your window and opened it you were hit in the face with a small rock, but whoever through it was fairly strong so you ended up on the floor even more annoyed than you originally were. You quickly rose from the ground and stormed up to the window.

"What the fuck do you want!?" You screamed, before even looking to see who you were screaming at.

Another rock was thrown through the window and on to your floor with a note attached to it.

When you looked out of the window to see who had thrown it the person was gone. You picked up the note and it read:

"Stay the fuck away from Marshall! He loves me, okay? He's just being nice to you cause he feels sorry for the fact that no guy will ever want to sleep with you. He doesn't actually care about you, why would he? You're just a frigid loser. If you don't stay away from him I'll be sure to make you regret it. This is you final warning. Back off bitch!

-Ashley (Marshall's GIRLFRIEND!)"

You had to admire her hand writing although the message was a little threatening. You weren't going to let this 'Ashley' girl get in between you and Marshall, he's your friend, if she really was his girlfriend then she'd be happy with him having friends and not be such a control freak.

You were still tired from waking up so early so you decided to go back to bed and hope that when you wake up it'll be cause Fionna is jumping on your bed not cause Marshall's 'girlfriend' is threatening to slit your throat.

~To next time you wake up~

Just as you thought, Fionna is jumping on your bed shouting at you that you need to get ready for school and that you "Don't want to keep your 'bae' waiting" After blushing dramatically, you shoved her out of your room and got dressed into something a little more girly than usual cause you just felt in a girly mood this morning, so you dressed into this ( and went down starrs to greet Cake and Fionna.

Cake was making breakfast as usual and Fionna was putting on her shoes to finish off her outfit ( It was a nice morning and you almost forgot about the events that happened not too many hours ago and before you knew it you were off to school with Fionna.

When you arrived at school you were attacked into a hug by Marshall. Who then exclaimed "Oh baby I missed you! My bed's so lonely without you in it!" and buried his head further into your neck. You were quite shocked about this out burst as was the 20 other students standing around starting at the two of you, whispering between them.

Embarrassed, you slowly removed the teenage vampire from around you and walked to class. leaving Marshall standing/floating on his own.

You looked at your time table to see that you had sex education first. Most people would be cringing at the fact that they even had this lesson, but you were happy as it meant that you had a least an hour Marshall free. He was nice to be around but sometimes his flirty ways can be a little over barring, so you were looking forward to the time you will get without him.

The lesson was going okay, to begin with at least. Today's lesson was about STD's, it was mildly amusing and gross at the same time, until one snide comment from none other then 'Miss Territorial' (Ashley), which was "Miss, why is (Y/N) even in this class? She'd need to actually convince someone to have sex with her to get an STD and lets be honest, no ones that desperate." This was when you lost it.

"You're right, I don't need to worry about getting an STD, cause I'm not a stupid slut who throws herself at everything that moves. I'm sure you'll get an A in this class as you have plenty personal experiences with all these STD's. I bet you're on a first name basis with the doctor at the hospital, who has the awful job of having to treat your one night stand mistakes." You replied to her and you could see the rage slowly creeping up on her face.

She rose from her chair and stormed over to you, raised her fist to punch you when suddenly...

That's all for now guys as always, comment what you thought :) xx

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