Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High - Part 5

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So, so, so sorry for not updating I'm in year 10 so that means lots of homework and mock exams so I'm afraid I couldn't find the time to update but I break up for summer next week! So that means lots of updating!! Anyways on with the story :) 

"Marshall Lee what on Aaa are you doing!?!" Gumball questions as he approaches the both of you.

"Calm down Bubba I'm just messing with her. No need to get so protective." He slowly lets go of your face to grab hold of your hand. "Now if you'll excuse us we have a pointless math lesson to attend." Marshall then drags you to your math class and has you sit on the empty chair next to him.

'This is going to be a very long day...' you think as your math teacher talks about stuff that may as well be said in another language.

~Time skip to lunch~

Marshall leads you to a big round table in the lunch room after a seemingly endless history lesson. As you nearer the table you see tow people who you do not yet recognise. One is a man who looks like his on fire, literately. The other looks like a purple fart cloud with some hair form a similar area attached to its face. You later learn that the name of these people are Flame Prince (FP) and Lumpy Space Prince (LSP).

You then find your self in a conversation with FP.

"So (Y/N) how long have you lived in Aaa? I've never seen you around before." He asks.

"Well actually I only arrived last week, however I have only been concious since yesterday and I have no idea how I ended up here." You gave him a smile.

"Oh I see." He awkwardly looks around obviously not sure what to say next. Luckily Marshall steps in getting the tables attention.

"Everyone I would like your attention. So on Friday I'm having a party to celebrate the arrival of the lovely (Y/N) (Y/L) and you are all invited. However since this is a party I would like for you all to arrive in party like clothing and prepare yourselves for games like: spin the bottle, 7 minuets in heaven, truth or dare etc... So be there by 7 on the dot Friday night! Is that clear?"

The whole table cheers are goes into a buzz about what's going to happen at this party. Lunch come and goes with random chats about random things and you do find yourself involved in some of them. You then find yourself in your last lesson (Physics) again next to Mr Abadeer when a note lands in front of you.

You open the note and read: "Wait for me after class. Love your future husband xx" You turn to the vampire sitting next to you with a questioning looks to which he just smirks.

When the bell finally remembers it can in fact ring you gather your belongings to wait for Marshall outside the room while he gets yelled at for falling asleep in class yet again.

"Hey baby, sorry for making you wait. I can make it up to you if you want." Just as he's about to lean in to kiss you Gumball interrupts once again, much to Marshall's displeasure. "You really know how to cock block a guy don't you Bubba!" Marshall shouts clearly with annoyance.

"Sorry to interrupt but as you know Marshall doing such things in school is strictly forbidden, so I suggest you take it else where." Gumball argues. 

"Oh sorry your highness I'll just take her back to my place then." Marshall picks you up and quickly flies out of the school but not before you hear Gumball yelling.

"Thats not what I meant! Come back here this instant!" Not that Marshall was listen or cared what Bubblebutt thought anyway.

Thats all for now! But don't worry like I said I'm on summer break soon so that means more updates!! Anyway as always comment what you thought! xx

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