Chapter 15: Hickeys

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Hey besties! Just a warning that this chapter is a little suggestive- 😳

Song: Love Talk by WayV (I've been dying to use this song)
Artist: raiu_81


"This is bad..." Xingqiu said, looking at the boy.

"I-I..." Chongyun couldn't form words. It wasn't that he was upset about the photo. He didn't care. But how did Xingqiu feel about it?

"H-how do you feel about it?" Chongyun asked., speaking his thoughts.

"This shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. These fans... Sometimes they can be a bit... Much. They all want a story about my love life ever since my ex... Thank Sevens it didn't catch your face though."

"What are we gonna do about it?" The pink haired girl asked.

Chongyun was still a bit confused as to who she was. Xingqiu said that she was his manager and makeup artist.

A thought passed through his mind. He froze and started to panic.

"W-wait... My-my parents... Th-they could see the photo." Chongyun stuttered. It didn't matter what they did to him. He didn't care. But what would they do to Xingqiu?

Chongyun didn't even want to think about it.

"What's so bad about your parents seeing it? Wouldn't they be happy about their child dating an idol?" She hissed. Why was she made at Chongyun? He had done nothing wrong.

He chose to ignore it.

"They... They're super strict and... Kinda religious... My mom especially." Chongyun said, still slightly panicked.

Xingqiu grabbed his hand and started tracing circles with his thumb before lacing their fingers together, immediately chasing away Chongyun's worries.

Yanfei made an O shape with her mouth, looking a little sympathetic.

"Should we take it down?" She said, a hand on her hip.

"Chongyun? Do you want it taken down? We've delt with things like this before."

"U-um, yeah, could you? I just don't want my parents to see it..." it was more than likely every one of Xingqiu's fans had seen the picture, but Chongyun sent a hope and a prayer wishing his parents hadn't seen it yet.

"Then it's done. Yanfei, could you take it down for us, please?"

"Okay. I'll call Ganyu and see what her team can do. I'll be going now." She said and walked passed them, out to door.

Chongyun let out a breath. He still wasn't super comfortable with other people yet.

"What's she gonna do? With the picture I mean?" He asked, still not sure what she meant by "I'll see what Ganyu can do"... Who is Ganyu...?"

"Her specialty is mostly in legal stuff, so she doesn't really know how to... Hack things. Ganyu is stage crew manager and helps with lights. She specializes in tech and things like that." Xingqiu explained, walking further into the giant house.

Chongyun listened intently to Xingqiu's speech while looking around, following the other boy.

Xingqiu plopped down on the couch, leaning back into it and closing his eyes, sighing.

Chongyun made his way to the couch after looking around some more.

Was he supposed to sit down? If so, where? Did Xingqiu want him here? What if he was just pitying him? What if he wanted to be alone and Chongyun was imposing? Was he supposed to go? Did he want him to wander around?

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