Chapter 2.1: Jungwon

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For everyone who says Highschool gets better,
Shut up.
It doesn't.

It actually gradually gets worse.

The school part becomes more difficult.
People become more difficult.
In Junior year, it seems like everyone's minds have been wiped clean and everything that was once on it is now replaced with three things:

- Hormones
- Parties
and Alcohol

Have you ever listened to BTS song: „War of Hormone?"

That is an accurate representation of teenager's though process daily. Literally none of my friends are straight, yet I still know more about Anatomy then I'd like.

But it can't be helped.

What's on my mind rightnow is

-How much I hate highschool
-How much I hate alarm clocks
and how I hate my grandmother for being in a good

I mean seriously?
Old people are so weird.
They'll get up at 6am and are up and happy, whilst I lie here in misery probably spraining my wrist because of the amount of times i've brutally his my nightstand in order to achieve the death of my alarm clock.

It's not working.
Stupid alarmclock.
Stupid school.
Stupid world.

I just want to get back under my blanket and sleep the whole day.

„Jungwon! Why are you still asleep? Get up!"

Oh god, why me?


„Okay Grandma I'm off bye!"


She comes running (as far as you can consider a 78 year old with destroyed knees speedwalking „running") to the door and hands me a small brown paper bag.

„What's this?"


„Grandma thank you! This is nice and all, but why do I have to take flowers to school?"

„So you can get a girlfriend! A nice one! Not like that Jimin girl though! Try to talk to someone like..Yoon!"

I widen my eyes in shock.
„Grandma! Yoon and me are just friends!"

„That can always change! Off you go now have a nice day!"

I hug her before heading to the bus station.

For the record: I have obviously not told my grandmother that I like boys. I just don't know how to, besides, I'm scared she'll be mad or judge me.
So I'll wait for now.



A whole sunshine threw himself at me and hugged me.

Kim Sunoo.
My childhood bestfriend and neighbor, dating my other bestfriend Niki.

„I was so scared omg why are you here so late? What's in that bag? Anyways I thought you weren't going to be here and I would have to ride the bus alone I was horrified because I forgot my headphones at home this is the worst first day ever."

I could only smile and nod at that statement.
Some may find Sunoo's rambling annoying, but I like it.
It's entertaining and somewhat comforting, I think it's just Sunoo's presence in general.

„Oh hey look! The bus is here! Let's go push the children and get good seats."

Sunoo grabbed my wrist and we went into the bus.


Anyone here from the First Part,
Welcome back to the story!

My exam season is almost over and summer is nearing so I decided to post this chapter now.

I prefer regular updates with longer waiting time, so there may be only 2 chapters published next week instead of my usual every day update, please bare with me and enjoy the story!

Have a good day/night wherever you are!


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