Chapter 2.17

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The room was dark and quiet.

Only the sound of soft breathing and the rain's quiet patter on the roof could be heard.

I was just lying there.
He was next to me .
I can feel him.
His weight pushing down the matress, his breathing I can hear it.

I gnawed on my lower lip deep in thought.

Jay said all that stiff at the party.
But he's said all those things in this very cabin and at the beach.
He's said he likes me and he's said he hates me.
He's done everything which equals back out into nothing.
It all contradicts, he contradicts himself, his words and actions aren't the same.
He'll say he hates me and then carry me,
he'll say he likes me and then ignore my messages for a week.
I don't know how to feel, how should I?
All I see is couples, all my friends are dating and what am I doing?

It's unfair of me to bring them up I know, especially since there've been some serious problems around my two favorite couples lately.

Jake and Sunghoon are doing fine as far as I know, they only started dating recently so they're feelings are still fresh, however Sunghoon is quiet and Jake is his usual exteoverted self.

I believe the biggest trouble is Sunghoon's homophobic family. They would never tolerate his relationship and that puts him under a lot of pressure and I believe the fact that Jake is very charming around plenty of girls makes him question both their identities.

He's never explicitly told me this but i can just tell but the way he'll cling onto Jake's arm whenever we're just with the group, like he'll float away if he doesn't hold on.

Then again, he's distant in school for example. Whenever someone talks so them, Sunghoon moves away. I've seen Jake try to hold his hand or link their arms but Sunghoon always dodges.

Then there's Niki and Sunoo.

They're seemingly perfect but of course the accident changed a lot. Ever since then, Niki hasn't quite been himself and Sunoo doesn't know what to do.

I'm closer with them then with Jake and Sunghoon which is why I know how to read their situation better.

It's strange to see Niki so distant, he was always such a social person and now he's just so quiet...and seeing Sunoo always smiling when in reality I can tell he's going to crack any second breaks me too.

And them there's me and Jay.

My thoughts are going in spirals, I'm walking in circles in my mind.

Tomorrow we're going back to the beach where everything is usually solved.


With that I think I fell asleep, the last thing I remember before turning over and closing my eyes is someone quickly moving away and closing theirs aswell.

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