Chapter 2.10

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„Niki you idiot what were you doing! Watch the road!"

Niki held his arms out and Heeseung carefully hugged him.

„Heeseung Hyung don't worry too much I'm all fine I'm just hungry..."

Heeseung nodded and turned to the nurse.

„Excuse me I'll go. I'm friends with the kitchen staff, Jin and Yeonjun hyung work there he's the night shift. I'll be right back."

He nodded to me and walked out the door.

Niki just looked at me.

„Niki- I'm so sorry all of this is my fault."

He didn't respond.
He just kept looking at me.

„Can you hear me?"

He scoffed.

„Yes I can hear you I'm not deaf I was just hit by a car my ears still work fine."

Geez, he's definitely still sassy.


I was perplexed so I couldn't let out more then a stutter.

„Do you not remember me?"

An excruciating silence filled the room.

„No...I'm sorry should I?"

My mouth gaped open.
My vision was blurry and my cheeks were burning.

He doesn't remember me.
Memories came flashing through my mind.

„Sunoo look at my painting!"

„Why are you distracting me Nishimura?"

„Just to annoy you! What'd you draw?

We weren't even friends back then, but I remembered how happy I got whenever he spoke to me.

He would just do it randomly out of the blue during the days.

„Sunoo what grade did you get on the math test?"

„Sunoo did you understand anything in Biology today?"

„Sunoo! I heard it's your birthday...nit that I care but happy birthday I guess!"

„Sunoo, are you going to Jake's party this weekend?"

„Sunoo...did you check your locker today?"
I remember exactly what was in my locker.
A letter from him for me.
I still can't believe how brave it was of him to just write that and how oldschool.
But I loved it.

I reached for my phone in my pocket and took a step towards him pointing to one of the two blue plastic chairs next to his bed.

He looked at me and shrugged.

I walked over and sat down.

I removed the clear phone case off of my phone and placed it on the bed, taking out a small piece of paper.

„Do you recognize this?"

I showed him the yellow paper, that was folded in half.

„No, why would I?"

I opened the paper and read what was written on it.

Hey Kim Sunoo,
don't think that I have a crush on you or something, I just wanted to ask you if you're going to the party at Jake Sim's house this weekend?
I'll go and I even got Jungwon to come along! I hope I'll see you there...
agh this was a stupid idea don't be mad at me.
I like your shirt today! It looked great I love the blue-green-yellow stripe pattern thing I want one just like that.
Jungwon said you sewed it yourself, is that true? I didn't know you could sew that's so cool! Do you think you could make me one? I want one like yours with an N on the front left where you have an S.
Either way...have a good day I guess.
(don't over interpret this i'm totally not in love with you.)

„I couldn't have written that..."
He sounded confused.

„You did..."

„Well you have no proof."

I laughed out loud.

He smiled slightly, straitening his face as soon as he noticed.

„I- Why? What's so funny?"

„Sorry, that's just such a You thing to say."

„Well you can't prove it can you?"

„I can."

He raised one eyebrow.

„Really? And how would you do that?"

I pointed to the nightstand next to him, there were hus clothes he wore during the accident.

They had been washed and neatly folded.

On top of the pile was a Blue-Green and Yellow striped shirt with an N embroidered on the front left chest.

I heard the door open.

„Hey you guys! I've brought food!"

„Heeseung Hyung this is Kim Sunoo and I don't remember him right now because I'm in a state of shock but I'll remember and either way he's still mine so don't flirt with him even though he is very handsome."
Niki sassed as Heeseung and I shared a look.

„Niki we know eachother."
Heeseung stated, confusing hinting in his voice as he was holding back laughter.

Niki blushed.

„Oh obviously I could've guessed sorry what food did you bring?"

„I got some Ramen from the vending machine, some Chicken and potatoes for Sunoo and some porridge with poached egg for you."

Niki's jaw dropped.


„The Nurse said you can't eat solid foods, and since your wrists are injured we'll have to feed you."


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