Chapter 2.6: Jake

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(This is my attempt to write something romantic)



No reply.
God this is driving me insane.
He's just casually cooped up in there whilst I'm standing here in the rain.

N: „How come it always rains when some big romantic gesture is happening?"

SO: „I know right? Jungwon is over doing it."

JW: „Guys! You're ruining the flow of the story besides I didn't even write this part and the rain actually did happen!"

„Shut it!"

„Sorry Jake"

„Now where was I..."


I will bust all the windows out of his car if he doesn't respond.

I didn't get to finish what I said, as the front door opened.

In view came a confused Sunghoon.

It didn't come out as much more then a

I noticed how upset he looked.
His eyes were red and puffy, he must've been crying.
I froze.
I had planned this whole thing.
I knew what I was gonna say and do etc, but now, looking at Sunghoon my mind just went blank.

„I- I- The- umm"
Stupid Jake, just shut your mouth and think okay think what to say-

„Why are you here?"

Sunghoon didn't sound mad at all.
He sounded surprised and sad.
At the same time somehow.

„I- The-„

Screw this.
I took a deep breath.

„Sunghoon I'm sorry I shouldn't have overreacted... I know none of this is your fault but I just don't know how to act around you anymore..."

Sunghoon looked down to the ground, biting his lip.
His eyes were shiny, indicating tears as he tried hard not to cry.
Now he's really breaking my heart.

„I understand if you want nothing to do with me. I don't deserve you, I hate myself, I'm so sorry for hurting you."

My jaw dropped.
Sunghoon thinks that I-

„What? No! Don't ever think like that I just- I'm not sure how to act because I always want you to think good things of me, I never want you to be mad, or sad or think I'm weird but we've been distant lately and I thought you didn't like me so I got scared, but I'm here right now to tell you that you are my favorite person ever and I'm never letting you go ever again."

Sunghoon smiled faintly.
I smiled back, my vision getting blurry.

"And it's okay if you don't feel the same way about me but I just had to let you know because everytime I look at you there's that flickering moment, whenever I look into your eyes the whole world stops and I melt. I want to feel like that forever and I want to be close to you forever. I want to defeat everything that scares you and I want to be the reason why you smile. I want to be your purpose, the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning. I want to be your everything because that's what you are for me."

I held my breath.
Sunghoon just looked at me.




I looked down.

And then, before I knew it, there were two arms wrapped around me.


He started to sob onto my shoulder and I leaned my head onto his and cried.

We were just like that.
We held onto eachother as if the world was ending around us.

"I love you."
He said.

I pulled away to look at him.

"You're my everything. You always will be and you always have been."

My heart did a flip when he said that, and before I could respond anything, I felt a pair of lips on mine......

Did i promise too much?
Say "Yay" for Jakehoon in this book...
also double update cuz ily

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