Chapter 2.11: Jay

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This is loooong overdue and I know it.

I'm not a bad person.

I know that's what people may think based on my first impression but I'm really not.

Truth is, I need to be a grownup.

I can't keep being immature, I need to talk to Jungwon and just explain everything to him.

I owe him atleast that.
So I decided to text him.

Hey Jungwon
Can we talk?
There's some things I need to tell you

I stared at my phone for a good 10 minutes just thinking.

Then I dropped onto my back on my bed and sighted.



A smile spread across my face.
He'll talk to me!
I still have a chance!
This is the best news I've heard ever ong ajahanjsjAAAAAA


I'm free tomorrow let's meet up in the afternoon

great see you then

This is making me nervous.
I decided to call the one and only advice giver- Heeseung.

For some reason I couldn't reach him though.



Suppose there's only one person left who I can tell all my thoughts to....


A moment of silence.

Footsteps upstairs.

A door opened.

He screamed down the staircase.

„Come down!"


„Wanna watch stuff on the TV?"


„Come on Hoon don't be mad at me!"

„I can be mad at you forever."

„Come on! Mom and Dad haven't been home for two days they'll still be gone months and I feel very lonely."

„Not my problem!"

„You! I'm 8 Minutes older you have to respect me!"

„Forget it asshole."


I was about to feel upset when I remembered the 4+ uno I could pull.

„Guess I'll call grandma to come visit~"

I said in a sing-songey voice.

„Oh you wouldn't DARE Park Jongseong."

Sunghoon sounded dead serious.
Our grandmother hates him for some inexplicable reason.
She loves me though.

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