Chapter 2.3

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"This book is gay."
Sunoo stated.


"This book is VERY GAY."
Niki agreed.

I am confused.

"What are you guys talking about? We're reading the Great Gatsby?"

"Well yes but think about this, the whole book is a guy talking about how fun, interesting, mysterious and wild this other dude is, pretty gay to me."

"But Gatsby is with Daisy? That's the whole plot?"

"Well maybe Gatsby isn't gay but Nick the Narrator surely is."

"Why am I tortured with this in english class, you guys are a pain."

These dumb-dumbs can't take anything seriously.

"Hey Niki, would you write a book about me?"

"Yes. But that Daisy chick would be killed off in the first chapter, or maybe i wouldn't mention her at all."

"Guys this book is not a Love Story!"

„What is it then Yang-Genius?"
Sunoo sounds annoyed.

„It's about the „American Dream Theme" it's supposed to capture the whole idea of going from rags to riches and being a successful person with a family and all that. It breaks down the whole idea of it!"

Sunoo and Niki just stare at me.

„You're no fun."
Sunoo blatantly states.

"Yea like wow."
Niki shakes his head.

"But Nick IS gay tho..."

It was a long lesson.


"Yaaay Lunch best time of the dayy~"
Niki was "singing" that as we left class.

We made our way into the cafeteria and sat down in the very back to avoid swarms of people.

I looked over to Niki and Sunoo who were basically hugging constantly.

I rolled my eyes.
Honestly, we're three unpopular people at a table and we're all on ONE bench.
Niki's arm is always around Sunoo's shoulder and (they always SWEAR they don't do this on purpose) has his back turned to me.
I look stupid.
I hate this.
This is so uncomfortable i feel like everyone's staring at me i want to vanish.

"Hey Third wheel."

I looked up hastily only to see...

"Thanks Jake you too."

He smiled at me and sat down next to me.

"Please move away I don't want Park Sunghoon to murder me."

"HAHA he would not!"

"Yes he would. He is scary. You think people call him Ice prince because he'a a former figure skater? No. They say that because he would kill people in cold blood INCLUDING me."

Jake wouldn't stop laughing.
He is very precious and I really do love that he's sitting with us at lunch.

Jay and Sunghoon stopped doing that a while ago.
I wonder why.

Jake however didn't like the popular people so he always came to hang around us and we are certainly not complaining.

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