2.19 Getting ready

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I'm uncomfortable 85% of the time I spend in school.
I wish I was exaggerating this but I'm telling the truth.
Recently I've been distancing myself from everyone and I don't know why. I've just been feeling uncomfortable around myself.
I don't know why that is, but I know that my brother, his boyfriend and their process of "getting me ready for the party so I look so good everyone else cries when looking in the mirror" is really boosting that.

„Jungwon, you look amazing!"
Hyunjin smiles as Jeongin just nods.

„Jin I am- deeply- uncomfortable right now."
I state back, trying to glare.
The way they made me up is really out of my comfort zone. I look amazing tho.

They put me in a red woolen turtle neck that was cropped thereby exposing a bit of my stomach, high waisted black wide leg jeans, combat boots and styled my hair to look oddly voluminous and even out some eyeliner on me.

I can't help but stare at myself.
I look great, but can I really go out like this?

„Jungwonnie, you look amazing, you need to wear this not for anyone else but for yourself okay? Prove yourself that you're beautiful, give yourself confidence, fake it till you make it you know?"

I smile back at my older brother, he's right, I'll show everyone tonight.

Jake insisted to pick me up and drive me to the Parks house so when we heard the doorbell ring, I knew it was him.

When I opened the door I heard a loud „Ay JW-„
but when looking at me he stopped talking and just stared.

I asked, flustered. Nobody ever looked at me like that before.

„Jungwon- damn you look amazing! Who are you trying to impress tonight huh?" He laughed.

Confidence. I repeated to myself once more, Confidence Jungwon. So I just smiled at him.
„Myself, now can we go?"

„Of course!" Jake showed a genuine smile, that boy is too sweet. He held out his hand which made me laugh before I took it and he lead me to the car.

Jeongin and Hyunjin were waving as we drove away and I just waved back.

Here goes nothing.


A bit of a filler cause a loong chapter is coning next :))

You'll never get it- An Enhypen StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora