Chapter 2.7

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Song recommendation: Ikon- Love Scenario

When I woke up in my room I was shocked.
Everything that happened between Sunghoon and me was just a dream?

SIKE you thought I'm sorry on with the actual story

"I- umm-"
I stepped back awkwardly.

"Uh yeah um..."
Sunghoon looked to the ground, scratching his nape.

Oh my god this is so awkward I want to disappear.

"I'm sorry..."
Sunghoon murmured.

"No! What for?"

"For...uh well for um- you know- kissing you?"

"Why apologize? I mean I enjoyed it did you?"

"I mean yeah...I should've asked you first though..."

"No you don't have to...unless it's someone else then you can't do it."

Sunghoon laughed.

"Don't worry I won't."

We just stood there in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence.

"Hey looked it stopped raining."

I looked up to the sky.
How cinematic.


"Want to go i side and watch a movie? You can have one of my sweaters so you get warm, I'll cook you soup."

I was screaming on the inside and probably blushing beyond compare.
Everyone be jealous of me, I just got myself the most beautiful, nice, caring, overall best ever boyfriend, Park Sunghoon. High Five to myself.


"Jakey! What do you want to watch?"

"I don't know whatever you want."

We watched a show called „The Society" and it was really interesting.

„So umm"

I turned to him.


„I don't know how to ask this..."

„Ask ahead Hoon."

He blushed at the Nickname.

„What are we?"

I was perplexed.

„What do you mean?"

„I mean are we friends?"

„Well I'd say that, yes we're friends."

„ that all?"

„What is your intention Sunghoon?"

His eyes widened.

„I- I- Nothing just-„

„Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

did i just say that?

„I- the- um ye- What?"

"Be my Boyfriend."

WOW Jake way to go you sound like you're commanding him.

I added.
Oh my god.



„I'd love that."

I scooted closer, laying my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. GO ME I AM THE BEST BOYFRIEND-GETTER.

We kept watching the show and it was really good.
After a while, he got up because the soup was ready.

Can you believe it?
I though he was joking but he actually cooked for me.

Wait till I tell Heeseung, Sunoo, Niki and Jungwon about this.

That's when I realized.
I didn't even check up on Jungwon.

Poor thing must've been heartbroken about that encounter with Jay.

Jungwon never let's anyone see when he's upset, but he himself said that he, unlike most people, get's comfort when people are with him.

(Quich author intermission: Jungwon actually did say that and I can't stop thinking about it can he be anymore precious?!)

I'll go visit him.
Later though,
I have a boyfriend to take care of.

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