Chapter 2.4: Sunghoon

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(A POV switch! ;) )

Google: How to un-twin yourself

I can't believe this.
Jay has always been the more "dominant" twin, but he's really outdone himself this time.

He made me join him and his popular boyz at lunch and I'm suffering so much.

I miss Jake.
I miss Sunoo, Niki and Jungwon.

These people here SUCK.

"Ahahah yeaa I dropped that girl she's ugly anyways."

Everyone laughed.

The frick is this guy talking about?
I don't understand anything.

"Excuse me I will go."
I got up, but Jay grabbed my wrist.

"Let go Jay."

"No, stay."

I ripped my arm out of his grip and then left.

I managed to walk into the building, then i got pulled into a room wich turned out to be the school's gym.

"Hoon what the heck?"

"What do you want Jay?"

"I just- why would you just strut off like that?"

"Because I can make my own choices damn it! Let me do what I want Jay!"

"Sunghoon why are you being like this..."
Jay sighted.

I'm not having it.

"Are you serious? It's because you made me sit with these morons! Matter fact, you ALWAYS make me be around them! I'm not having it! Stop being a baby and get your freaking emotions in check you mood-swingey b!tch! One day you cry about Jungwon being mad at you and the next day you avoid him like he's got leprosy. Are you okay Jay? genuinely asking, what is wrong with you?"

I didn't realize my voice had gotten louder and louder with rage so I ended up screaming at him.

But Jay didn't look hurt, he just looked angry.

"And you? What about you huh? You always think you're so perfect? Guess what? You aren't! So stop constantly criticizing me! I only made you come with me because I know you would leave for Jake if I let you! You're always with him anyways?"

"You think I'm going to leave you, my TWIN BROTHER for a random boy? Wow. Thanks Jay."

"Well you-"

A ball dropped.

Both of out heads shot towards the door of the gymnasium.

Niki was standing there, biting his lip back, eyes widened.

"Niki what-"

Niki didn't reply.
He just looked upward to the bleachers, where a very disappointed looking Jake was standing, glaring at me with a blank expression and hurt in his eyes.

"Random huh?"

My heart dropped.

"Jake I-"


He turned and walked away.
He just left.

Niki did too.
"Great job you guys. Now we can fix two broken hearted people. Really thank you."
He said as he exited.

Only when the door closed behind them, I realized that Sunoo and Jungwon had entered whilst we were talking as well.


Sunoo shook his head.

"You guys are really something."

I looked at Jay.
I felt so bad, I wanted to cry.
But his expression was completely blank.

I looked at the ground, my vision getting blurry.

"Sunghoon calm down."


"Hoon, it's okay."
Jay's attempts to comfort me made me feel worse, so i slapped his hand away from my arm.

"This is all your fault!"

He widened his eyes in shock.

"This- This- Jake and AAAGH!"
I turned on my heel and stormed out of the gymnasium.

Tears were prickling in my eyes as I went to the school nurse.

"I have a headache nurse, can you sign this paper to send me home?"

"Of course."
Nurse Lee said and gave me the form. I filled it out and wordlessly left school.

I can't stand the idea of Jake being hurt.

Not because of me.

I'm not worthy of that.

I want to punch everyone that hurts him.
I just want to protect him and be close to him, always.

Maybe I really do like him?

Some angsty fluff for youuu

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