Log: 3

30 2 0

You woke up and saw Xiao leaning over you. "What the hell??"

"Shut up."

"That's not ni-" He grabbed your arm and pulled you up.

"Keep your head low." You peered over the seats of the car, and watched two tanks driving by.

"That's the army no? Let's go ask for help!" You said.

"SHH!" He pushed you down. "If the army was sending out help for everyone they wouldn't be using tanks." Xiao said.

"What if they dispatched all their vehicles though?"

"Still don't wanna take any chances. When they leave this street we have to go we can't stay here." Xiao said.

"Alright. Let me see my foot." You brought your knee up to your chest and pressed down on your foot. It hurt, but not as bad as yesterday.


"It still hurts, but i'm not in severe pain, I think I can walk." You said. Xiao nodded, and peered over the middle row, shaking Razor awake.

"Hm?" He hummed tiredly.

"Wake up." Xiao said. Razor turned over and shook Bennett, who sat up immediately.

"Good morning Xiao!" Xiao put a finger over his mouth, and Bennett slapped his hand over his. "Why are we being quiet??" He whispered.

"Two tanks are driving by, we're being cautious. We don't know what they want." You said. Razor sat up hearing you speak, and both boys in the middle row looked out of the left window to see the vehicles driving down the street.

"Tanks can drive through water???" Bennett asked.

"They're heavy duty, I wouldn't see why not." You said. Once they turned and were out of sight, you pushed the seat in front of you down, and the other boys got out. You hopped out of the car and stood on the cement. Xiao came out last. "Alright let's go." You began walking but someone grabbed your wrist. You turned around and saw Razor's hand holding you back. "What??"

"Your foot."

"It's fine I can walk!"

"No he means you don't have a shoe!" Bennett said. "Where's your other shoe??"

"I must've lost it..." You hadn't realized you didn't have your other shoe. The three of you looked over at Xiao who was getting the trunk of the car open.

"What are you doing???" Bennett asked.

"Come over here." The three of you walked over, and he opened the trunk. "I saw it yesterday, they have a duffel with what I assume is sports stuff, so they're might be shoes in here." He unzipped a blue duffel bag, and thankfully, there was athletic clothing. He pulled out a pair of vibrant shoes, that hurt your eyes.

"Those are hideous..." You said.

"Well they might fit you. So stop complaining."

"Fine fine." You sat on the edge of the trunk, and took your other shoe off first.

"Oh look they have socks! You guys need anything there's a bunch of clothes in here, I assume they were gonna go hiking or something.." Xiao said.

"I'll have a look." Razor said. Bennett followed. Xiao handed you a pair of socks, and you put them on, then you tried the shoes on.

"Do they fit?"

"Yeah, they're a half size too big but they fit so that's fine." You said.


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