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The game was still on going and Soojin didn't noticed that she fell asleep. Shuhua slowly opened her eyes and the first that her eyes caught on was the cute sight of Soojin sleeping.

Shuhua take a look at her shin that was casted. "I got it bad." she mumbled to herself making sure that she isn't moving her leg that much. Yes she's stubborn but she isn't like those people who are like really really stubborn when they have their arm or leg casted.

Every time that she's injured she will rest and listen to what the doctor had advised her even though she doesn't like going to the hospital but with the mindset that she wants to get better only because so she can practice again.

But now it's different since Soojin is beside her, the mindset of getting better faster so she can practice wasn't running inside her head right now.

She wants her shin to be healed soon so she can freely run to Soojin, shower her kisses, hug her and love her.

Setting her priorities there aren't really something that is in top but she do manage her time. If it's time for practice then it's time for practice then if it's 'JinJin time then it's JinJin time'.

Shuhua even has a copy of Soojin's timetable on her desk at her room so she knows when she can go to Soojin or when she can't because of course studies always come first.

Yes you do have to set your priorities but all in all it will all fall down on how you really mange your time.

Time is gold


S H U H U A -

I silently watch her sleep peacefully. I wonder what happened to the game but whatever happens even if we lose its okay as long as I know they did their best though I'm still hoping that they win the match.

But I was worried, I am responsible for taking her parents and Yejin back home but it seems like I can't do that considering my situation right now.

If I just don't have any self control, I would've really punched that girl. Why is everyone getting so violent? I ask myself.

My thoughts are scattered, it seems like every day is very eventful. I didn't really expect my so called 'parents' to suddenly show up. Yesterday I was surprised when my brother suddenly called saying that he was here.

And he didn't open up to me about his 'engagement' that my parents have arranged for him. I know my brother even if we haven't bond that much for the last five years but I know him.

He doesn't care who you are or what your stand is in the society but when he says no into something that means that it is a firm no and I think my parents keeps on pushing him even though my brother have already said no.

I think they pushed Ahia to the edge to the point that Ahia is here running away from them. I can't believe how manipulative and selfish they are. We are fucking grown ups and so are they can't they think rationally for once.

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