Chapter 14: A Roller-Coaster Ride and A Starry Night

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5th June 2021

**This chapter is dedicated to all my Shazdan/Yazin/(whatever you call it) shippers out here❤ I see you🤓**

"In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that bloom at their feet." –Albert Schweitzer

Chapter 14
A Roller-Coaster Ride and A Starry Night

"So prettay ladies, pretty guys," Shazin began as she cleared her throat and rubbed her palms excitedly.

"Hey! You forgot to mention Yazdan," Hamish yelled from the back earning a smack on his head from a certain tall person.

"Oh, hey to you too Yazdan!" Shazin continued chirpily, "Today, we are gathered here in this site of great import to commemorate and celebrate the presence of one of the only individuals left on this planet I truly genuinely love. That's right. Give it up for ma girl, the talented, the sparkling, the dazzling, the one and ONLY Humaira Zelin bint Imran–who surprisingly is all thrill and adventure and not a granny, unlike popular opinion!" Shazin said standing outside Adventureland on phase 2 of their operation-CPWTaA (celebrate people when they are alive).

It was the day they had decided to celebrate the glue that kept the group alive and healthy. As much as Shazin wanted to keep the event a surprise, Humaira's super senses had picked up on Shazin's plans even before she had fully formulated one.

"One person's opinion ain't called popular opinion boo," Humaira said pouting at her friend in sympathy.

"Ex-squeeze me, it is if it's coming from me," Shazin replied bobbing her head, making the sunglass on her forehead drop right on her eyes. Shazin screamed internally and thanked God that it actually worked while maintaining a nonchalant exterior.

"Okay, I'm gonna let that foolish comment slide 'cos that glass drop was pretty dope," Hamish said while Samah actually clapped and hooted in cheer.

"Hear hear," Ala seconded.

They had also invited a bunch of other friends including Ala. Because apparently, the more the merrier (and also the more, the greater the group discount on rides). Shazin had even invited Hizana, although she couldn't make it in the end. Even though they weren't the best of friends, Shazin made sure to check up on her once in a while.

"I can't believe we are letting her foolishness pass but when I accidentally sprayed water through my nose, that had y'all cackling for the past one week," Yazdan had barely got the words out when the group erupted into laughter rethinking the scene.

"Wow Yaz, do you even like me? Can I just have my moment?" Shazin said feigning hurt amongst the uproar of laughter.

"What?" He asked, not sure what he had heard over the noise.

"I asked do you even like Umi? Why are you trying to sabotage her trip, you attention-seeker!" Shazin corrected herself, not even slightly wanting to give off any tells of her little secret.

"Great," Yazdan said giving up, sulking in his seat.

"Nice save gurl, wink wink," Samah said winking.

"For the umpteenth time, you just have to wink, you don't have to say wink wink," Shazin whispered trying not to draw Yazdan's attention over to them. She didn't want him smelling anything fishy...not yet at least.

"Got it, wink," Samah said clicking finger guns at her, making Shazin facepalm herself.

"Z, did you bring it?" Samah asked Yazdan.

"Bring what?" Yazdan asked confused.

"It!" Samah repeated.

"The what now?"

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