Chapter 2 - Old Friends

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I teleported back home. Today was a long day, but it was just the daily torture and what not. It's been only about....3 or 2 days since I talked to Cross? Eh, who cares. I look up after thinking to myself to see Ink and Blue. "Oh~ What's this~? My dear old friends?" I said sweetly and they turned towards me quickly. "Dream!?" they yelled in unison. "No, I'm Nightmare." I said sarcastically. "Wha-" I cut off Blue, "Dream is gone. I'm Shattered, it has more appeal, yes?" I asked while taking a step closer. "O-oh Dream, why would you do this? We are your friends, we would've been able to help you!" Blue said with a sad look on his face. "We are always been here for you. Whatever you were going through, we could push through it!" Ink said. I already felt anger rise within me.

"GET OUT! I dont know how you found my home, but you weren't invited!" I yelled angrily. One tentacle came out of my back, ready to strike. "But Dre-" before Blue could say anymore I used my tentacle to knock him down onto the ground. "Dream. Is. GONE. Forever. My name is Shattered!" I said. "Dream we can still help you! We know you aren't like this!" Blue said while getting up with Ink's help. "I'm sorry Blue but that isnt entirely Dream anymore." Ink said with a puzzled look.

"We can still save you! I know you aren't bad!" Blue said, still not giving up. He irritates, just how stupid is he? "Just save me your pity and pin that to someone who cares. But, not like you'll listen because someone like you dont listen very well. Don't try to be my hero, you aren't one." I said as I was tapping my foot on the ground. "Now you two can leave, I'm busy and dont feel like breaking any bones today. Or atleast not skeletons..." I say sarcastically. I didnt care if they left or not. It would just mean I can mess with them.

"Dr-Shattered I have a good idea what you been doing lately and I'm giving you a chance to stop and let us help you.....please." Ink says with a sigh. "N-....." Wait. I could have fun with this. I suppressed a laugh from escaping. "Yeah....sure. I'll let you guys help me. I'm so sorry....I....dont know what I'm doing. I've been to scared to face you guys, I've been hurting others and have this terrible urge to hurt." I said sadly, with tears in my sockets. How the heck do people cry? That was so hard to do. Anyone that could cry on command would be a great villain. I snapped out of my thoughts, "I'm glad you came around!" Blue said smiling brightly like he didnt just get thrown to the ground seconds ago.

This will be fun.

With patience, they'll all be heartbroken.

(Ello! Hope your doing well and taking care of urself. Idk how that would feel LOL. Hope this chapter was good! Adios Amigos!)

Pained Smile (Shattered/Dream angst) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now