Chapter 14 - Objects are replaceable

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I shook my head. "I'm not gonna screw up again for your sick pleasure. Your not even Blue. I'm already put up with you and you havent even been here for long." I said angrily as I sat up against the tree. 'Blue' crossed their arms and glared at me. "Shattered!?" I heard a voice called out to me in shock. Me and 'Blue' looked to see who it is and it was Ink. "Oh.....hey Ink." I said awkwardly, for some reason, I wasnt really expecting him.

Ink walked up to me. I quickly glanced where 'Blue' was and they are still there. I guess only I can see him. "You look like shit." I said as I looked back at Ink. "Wow, thanks. I can say the same for you." Ink said as he say infront of me. " long has it been?" I asked, it was mostly to myself. "About....3 months. Doesnt seem a lot when you think about it." Ink says quietly. "Does Carrot wanna kill me?" I asked with a smile. I seemed to caught Ink off-guard, he showed an odd expression for a second and quickly responded, "yeah....he does. He is also searching for you to do just that."

I think for a moment. I would go ahead and visit him but I think it's time I stop trying to do anything, I'll sit here for as long as possible. "Well, he is gonna have to come here to do so. I dont have any more fight in me. Every single hope, desire, despair, has already left me." I said quickly and continued on with a sigh, "I've already come to terms of what happened. I've killed Blue and it was his fault and mine as well." I said as I looked away. "This is so boring, just give him a stabby stab already." I heard 'Blue' say as he floated behind Ink. I looked at Ink, trying to ignore the fly behind him.

"Are you saying your not leaving here? Are you staying?" Ink asked with a puzzled look. I nod my head and Ink seemed more confused for some reason. "I feel bad for Carrot but not really for the rest of us." I say as I sounded monotone. "Why?" Ink asked.

"Well there are other Blues out there. There are in every timeline of UnderSwap, we just happened to be friends with one of them. He can be replaced, he is just a copy among others." I said as I felt Ink's feelings being mixed around. Blue is able to be replaced, like an object.

(Hope you enjoyed, this story is almost over!)

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