Chapter 16 - Death upon me

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I suddenly felt more aware of everything around me. What did it mean by that? "I'm just part of your imagination with the sole objective to punish you of your crime. Killing your dearest friend.~" 'Blue' says with a sadistic smile. "It was an accident and-and it was BOTH our faults. I already admit it and accepted it!" I said angrily. I calmed myself quickly and processed more of what it said. Damn, it pushed the exact buttons to get me riled up.

"Punish me for my crime? Crime? Just for killing Blue? That seems a bit ridiculous since you know....I killed plenty of monsters before Blue. He isnt the only one that should've had any sympathy. He paniced and got himself killed. I wouldn't me surprised if he got killed in any other timeline."

'Blue' smile dropped and seemed very unamused. "What other purpose do I have being here if you already realized what's wrong?" 'Blue' says in a  monotone. "Well, nothing really. I guess death is upon me.....and I'll make it come quicker." I said with a sigh. "Well then, I'll see you in the afterlife?" 'Blue' says with a smile that I'm unable to recognize.

" no. I'll be going to hell, it's where monsters like me go." I forced a smile that was shown that I was sad and in pain.

(Story is coming to an end thank goodness)

Pained Smile (Shattered/Dream angst) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now