Chapter 3 - 'Friends'

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"Ugh, I wish he was here!" Blue says while pouting. For context, I was dragged to Blue's home unwillingly and Ink already was long gone. "Why would lazy a- Carrot top be here?" I said, obviously annoyed. "Doesnt he always hang around that stupid bar?" I said. "He just likes it there!" Blue said, giggling nervously. "We've been here for what? A decade?" I say while crossing my arms. "No need to be over dramatic! We've only been here for a few minutes. He will come any second now!" Blue said.

"Sans? Whose that..?" I turned around to see who said that and of course it was Carrot bitch. "Isn't it obvious!? We found Dream- er- Shattered." Blue says with a big smile on his face. Carrot bitch glared at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I said. "I dont take photos of ugly slime gone wrong." Carrot says while taking his hands out of his hoodie pockets. "And I don't waste my time being miserable and weak like you. Cant stop my brother being killed title would go to you." I said but this time glaring back. "G-guys, we should calm down....." Blue says as he walks in between us.

"Sorry Sans, but I think you should stop being his friend. Actually you shouldn't be near him at all." Carrot said. "Papy! He might not be the exact same as would he used to be but we have him and I wont let go now." Blue says with his hands on his hips. Oooo~ I smell brotherly fight starting. I grinned. "He isnt Dream anymore and it shows!" Carrot said. I decided to step in, hoping it would escalate things better. "Carrot is right my dear friend~ I'm Shattered, not Dream. Dream is long gone. Thank god for that and now we established that we should stop talking about that it." I said.

I was slightly angry. Why does Dream matter? Why am I still seen as Dream? Should I get rid of this crown thingy, it's pretty neat but it's ruining me. "Sorry Shattered, I didnt mean to go into a touchy subject." Blue said in a worried tone. Shove your pity up your non-existent ass. If we did have one then I would obviously have the best ass. "I guess I'll accept your apology. I'm going to get going now, I'm super busy and have a cute, feisty, pet to get to soon~" I said as I waved them a good bye and mouth 'bye useless dick' to Papy and he seemed to understand what I said. Good~ I teleported home and automatically felt disgusted for not killing them on sight. "So many chances and opportunities I had!!!" I said sadly and dramatically.

(Hope you enjoyed this Chapter! I am moving so I dont know when I'm going to update again but it wont take to long, I hope.)

Pained Smile (Shattered/Dream angst) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now