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"Summer break's on people! Ideas now!" The peace of the retro diner was disturbed by the uncontainable excitement of Katarina Davis, or, Kat. Clearly, the adrenaline rush of finishing highschool had gotten to her head, Or maybe it was just her tight blonde ponytail. Either way it was very much, a big deal.

"Ivy, V, my love, my dearest. I could seriously use your brain power right now. Since these two knuckleheads are of no use." Kat huffed in frustration due to the lack of ideas and participation from the two gentleman sat across from her and Ivy.

"Aye! Don't put this shit on me, his highness and I are completely fine with our usual antics." Grayson, commonly known as Gray, remarked, "Plus, his highness is more of a knucklehead than me. Aren't you Ty, y'know all those fights you get into?" Gray added, shifting the blame to poor Tyson.

"Ohhhh that's how it's gonna be? Okay then Baby G." Tyson smirked, knowing how much that nickname irked Gray.

"T, enough. Gray might have a point. Can't we just mess around like usual and hang out at our favourite spot. The roller rink is always open for the holidays guys! And I know we all love the sundaes there, especially Kat. So I say, the usual is fine I guess." Ivy said, breaking the immature banter between the two boys.

"V! You're killing me! We need a new scene! We can't just be there everyday. And as much as I love those sundaes, it's getting old, don't ya think? We just graduated highschool, wouldn't it be nice to put a few miles on our souls before we spend the next few years in college? We have six weeks ahead of us, we can't do nothing!" It was obvious that Kat had outgrown their favourite spot. Yes, it always brought the group comfort and bloody good food, but Kat was feeling adventurous. That spot would always be there for the quartet to come back to, so in her mind, a little adventure would do the group some good.

Silence ran over the group as all four of them thought hard about Kat's argument. They loved the roller rink, since that was where their friendship bloomed, but each of them knew Kat had a point. A very valid one.

Ivy was the first to break the silence. "I may have an idea but I'm not too sure. I just hope the boys don't kill me for this." Immediately all attention was on Ivy. Kat's eyes were filled with hope and anticipation whilst the boys held a curious gaze.

"And what is your glorious idea V? Why would it 'kill us', huh?" Tyson teased, making air quotations with his fingers.

"Well, even though Kat and I aren't the best drivers, YET, I was hoping you boys wouldn't mind being the drivers for my idea. Which is just a thought of course and you could oppose, if you really didn't want t——"

"Get on with it V, I'm dying here." Kat let out.
"Road trip. Let's take a road trip."
"So we're basically your drivers. That's it?" Gray blurted out. Making Tyson burst into a fit of laughter. Amused by the unimpressed look that spread across Grayson's face, his lips drawing into a thin line. He needed a little more winning over than the rest of the troupe.

"NO NO NO! That's not what I meant! Obvi I want you boys to have fun, but Kat and I can't drive yet."
"Correction, you can't." Kat replied with a smug look on her face.
"Yeah well, didn't think you'd be willing to drive Kat."
"You're right! I'm not." Kat joined Tyson in a fit of laughter, leaving their two besties unamused, who just sighed and rolled their eyes.

"But on a serious note, where? I like the idea, it's just gotta be killer." Finished with his fun, Tyson was actually interested in Ivy's sudden idea.
"Yeah I'm not completely opposed to it either. But I know, for me at least, back home is a bore. So you definitely wouldn't like it. So not vacation worthy. " Grayson admitted, shrugging his shoulders at the truth.
"Well guess that leaves you two ladies, I grew up here. And since miss Kat is over it, what's your plan? How 'bout you show us around your hometown?" Tyson added, high fiving Gray as though his snarky comment was so clever.

"Fine boys, Santa Barbara it is. Plus, it's been ages since V and I visited home." Kat winked at the two boys across from her, feeding into their jokes.
"Guess that's it then. Santa Barbara it is." Ivy repeated, finalising the so-called plan.

The group felt relieved as they finally reached a solution to all their previous dilemmas. They raised their assortment of milkshake-filled glasses and toasted to their upcoming adventure.
"Santa Barbara, here we come!"

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