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Kat, Ivy, Tyson and Gray returned to the main campsite after their swim. Surprisingly the twins didn't end up joining them in their swim. The group soon realised why. The bonfire was lit, a table with a banquet of food was set to the side and small fairy lights hung over the wall of bushes.

"Nice job Woods!" Ivy yelled, admiring the decorations the twins had prepared. The four set there stuff down as they settled around the bonfire where Myron and Lucas sat.
"Good swim?" Lucas asked looking at the boys as though the question was directed at them.
"Great, actually." Gray responded, sick of the little back and forth game they played.
"Oh I bet it was." Myron stated as he eyed Ivy's body, looking up and down twice.
"Why didn't you guys join us?" Kat asked remembering how excited the twins were.
"Well we thought we'd finish setting up since the King here asked me to help out." Myron replied gesturing towards Tyson. Tyson scoffed at the comment.
"No really, you guys didn't have to do all this."
"Don't worry kitty, it wasn't too much effort." Lucas added, trying not to make her worry.

Kat stood up to get some food, Lucas joining her in doing so. As Kat plated mounds of food on the plate for her and Ivy to share, she felt a hand on her lower back. She looked over at Lucas who had a wide smirk on his face.
"What's with the hands Lucas?" Kat questioned squinting her eyes as she tried to figure out his intentions. He laughed, hand sweeping his long hair back. "Nothing darling, just keeping you steady." She mumbled a small okay shrugging it off.

Gray kept his eye on Lucas the entire time he grabbed food. He noticed the small touches here and there, and how Lucas would occasionally glance backwards. It was as if Lucas was intentionally trying to start a fight. Gray scoffed, trying to keep his cool, not wanting to make a scene and ruin the night. Tyson walked over as he watched Gray's mood change. Tyson sat beside him in comfort, not saying a word just sitting there if ever Gray needed him.

Kat and Lucas returned to the group, plates stacked high. Especially Kat's. An assortment of chicken fingers, fries, jelly donuts and gummy bears filled the plate. She sat next to Ivy who made grabby hands towards the food.
"I'm bored, let's play a game." Myron suggested. The girls agreed, so the others naturally followed.
"What kind of game?" Ivy asked as she chewed on gummy bears.
"Fuck, marry, kiss." Lucas suggested. The others looked at each other before nodding.

And so the game began. The questions went around, starting with the boys. Their answers seemingly obvious, no real surprises to it. The real issue came when it was Kat's turn.
"So Kat, what's it gonna be?" Ivy asked as she tilted her head to the side, facing Kat.
"Umm, let's see. I'd fuck Gray, marry Ivy and kiss... Lucas." She replied bluntly, not thinking about it too much, chewing on her bottom lip.
Myron, who was on the other side of Ivy, erupted in laughter. Ivy came to a realisation, elbowing Myron's side. It didn't stop him from laughing. Tyson, Gray and Kat blinked in confusion. Lucas just smirked satisfied.

"What's so fucking funny?" Tyson asked in an accusing tone. He didn't like that he wasn't on the same page as the other three. Ivy looked guilty. In her defence, she never thought the kiss would surface again later. She knew Kat was drunk that one fateful night and wouldn't be able to remember anything.
"Oh nothing! It's just that one of those things actually did happen." Myron confessed. Ivy shot him a glance hoping he would just shut up, she desperately wanted to disappear.
Kat laughed out loud "I've never fucked Gray!"
Unfortunately, that wasn't why Myron was laughing. "Not that kitty." Lucas teased. Kat soon realised what Lucas was implying. She looked at Ivy, trying to get an answer from her.

"It was one time! And you were too drunk to remember!" Ivy put her hands up, she was caught. Gray caught on pretty easily.
"She's  kissed Lucas?" Hurt was evident in his eyes as he looked at Ivy, hoping he interpreted the situation wrong and that he didn't actually hear her say that.
Lucas answered for him "She pulled me forward by my chain. As I went to pull away, she pulled me back into a hot, steamy kiss."
"Oh god! Why didn't you tell me V? I'm so sorry Lucas!!" Kat wasn't mad at Ivy for not telling her, but she did feel really embarrassed.
"Don't fret kitty, I wanted that just as much as you did."

Gray stormed off not wanting to hear another word. Tyson followed after him worried. That was the last string for Gray. It confirmed everything, his actions, his confusion and his feelings. He loved Kat, there was no denying it any longer.

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