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The road continued to wind and twist as the group made their way to the so-called 'surfer's paradise'. Ivy and Tyson were still stuck in their deep slumber, chests rising up and down slowly in harmony. Kat stayed awake for most of the drive, as she was the most enthusiastic about Ivy's idea for a road trip.

As much as she loved where they spent their highschool years, Kat was feeling very homesick. Kat could practically smell the salty-sweet breeze of the ocean as she imagined herself walking along the coastal docks, like her and Ivy did when they were younger. Except this time, they would be joined by the two brutes they called their best friends. That thought made Kat chuckle, she was proud to show off Santa Barbara to the boys.

In a way, Kat was the leader of the four. In the sense that, she always had something planned  for them, places to be, people to see. The other three, although it wasn't discussed, definitely thought that Kat was the most influential. She could sell an idea, even the most stupid ones. No matter how crazy or lame, Kat knew what was up. It worked out perfectly though, because Ivy was her opposite. Kat was more outspoken whereas Ivy hesitates. Ivy, as timid as she was in the beginning was surprisingly quite similar to Kat, but that side of her was mostly around her closest friends.

Both girls were quite clueless, but that made them funnier. At least in the boys eyes it did. The boys always made it their duty to tease the girls, they did so on the daily and never failed to make them laugh.

"Hey uhh Kat? We're running a little low on gas? Where's the closest fill up?" Gray questioned, breaking Kat's thoughts.
Grabbing her phone and opening maps, Kat searched "Umm it says to continue straight on, there's upcoming in like two minutes."

As they pulled into the petrol station, Kat unbuckled her seatbelt. She rummaged through the glovebox of the van as well as the side compartments in search for something. Gray stepped out of the van and proceeded to fill up his trusty vehicle. Humming a little tune to himself as the nozzle of the petrol pump made rickety noises.

"FOUND IT!" Kat screamed, taking Grayson by surprise.
"What'd you find Kat? Everything good?"
"Meet me in the bathroom in ten, pay for the gas first. Four knocks, got it?"
Kat made her way to the bathroom in a hurry. Something small in her hands, yet it was too small for Gray to make out. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to fill up the van's tank.

After paying for the gas, Gray followed Kat's very direct orders. He knocked four times before entering. There was a pause, but the door was abruptly pushed open as Kat aggressively pulled Gray inside. The aroma of burnt tobacco and mint filled the air. Combined with the smell of sewerage and piss. It was a bathroom after all. The room had a smoky haze to it. His eyes met Kat's as she leaned against the sink, cigarette in hand and her head surrounded by a cloud of smoke. Kat gave Gray a small smirk as she opened her palm. A single cigarette lay on her small hand.

"Catch." Kat threw the cigarette at Grayson who caught it with ease.
"Where'd you find these? Thought we finished our last stash during that one party?" He asked.
"Well, I think Ty hid these. They were under so much shit." Kat puffed out as thick smoke left her soft lips. Gray's eyes lingered on her lips, also wanting to feel the burn of the smoke in his lungs.

"Oh yeah, here." Kat walked over to the other corner of the makeshift bathroom where Gray stood. Gray held the cigarette between his lips as Kat brought the lighter up to his mouth, lighting his blunt. He inhaled the smoke like there was no tomorrow and relaxed as the familiar burn tingled within his body.

"Good stuff right?" Kat smiled as she enjoyed a good smoke. Tilting her head a little as she spoke.
"Yeah, been a while though." Grayson coughed a little still getting used to the smoke.
"Remember when we first met?" Kat asked out of the blue.
"Yeah, school bleachers right?" Grayson sighed as he was reminded of their first meeting. Funny how far they'd come.
"I thought you were pretty cool."
"Oh yeah? Lemme guess, it's my obvious charm and good looks?"
"Well you're also a huge dork. I mean the only reason I approached you was because you had a piece of gum stuck on your ass." Kat giggled as she continued taking puffs from her burnt out cigarette. Enjoying the last few blows she had left.

Kat and Grayson were quite close. Like Ivy was with Tyson, Kat befriended Gray first. She never found him to be intimidating, in fact, she thought he was the opposite. Kat assumed Gray was shy but in the end he became one of the most outgoing people in that damn school. He was very popular with all kinds of people but Gray always found himself interacting with the four. The best of friends, and they were quite a sight too. Everyone in highschool somewhat envied their friendship, their vibe was unmatched.

"So why not your place Gray?"
"Well, the city's loud. And not in a good way. People are too opinionated and I don't really think skyscrapers or city nights are our scene. Our group's always been a bit more teenage dream. Cigarettes, late drives and retro diners. Apparently. Here." Grayson handed Kat some chapstick as she picked at her chapped lips, peeling the dry skin off. Kat took it and applied the chapstick generously, not breaking eye contact.

Gray exhaled as smoke escaped his lips, "Blink, you crazy bitch."
"Shut up. I thought we were having a staring contest. Clearly I won." Kat retorted making fun of Gray.
"Oh please, we both know you just love gazing into these eyes." Gray winked at her leaving Kat flustered.

A couple of knocks interrupted them. Kat sighed "Yeah man, we'll be out in a minute. Calm the fuck down."
"It's Ty and V." Gray opened the door to the bathroom stall and was met by the other two. Hair ruffled and eyes still teary as if they'd just woken up. Gray stood, blocking the entrance as he held  the cigarette between his teeth.
"Move Gray, it's fucking cold out here." Ivy mumbled, lips formed in a pout.

Kat walked towards the other two, pulling them inside. She cuddled up to Ivy, in an act of warming her up. Ivy relaxed into the hug and pressed a small kiss on Kat's shoulder. Being best friends, one of their running jokes was acting like girlfriends. It helped them get out of uncomfortable situations but they found flirting with each other to be quite normal.

"Shit, did Kat find my stash? Is there any more?" Tyson asked as he was also craving a little tobacco fix.
"Yeah, I got one left." Kat released Ivy as she walked towards Tyson, handing him the cigarette and lighter. Ivy also moved over towards Tyson, leaning against the wall.
"Here have my jacket." Tyson removed his black puffer jacket and draped it over Ivy's tiny frame. He pulled her hair out from underneath so it wasn't trapped. Ivy mumbled a small thanks, staring up towards Tyson. Her eyes lingering on the cigarette between his chapped lips.

As if he knew what she was thinking, he pulled the cigarette from his mouth and brought it up to hers. She willingly opened her mouth, a little lost as to what she had to do. Ivy wasn't much of a smoker as the other three, so smoking was a little new to her. Kat found the look of confusion and excitement on Ivy's face to be cute, smiling to herself once again.

"Inhale." Tyson guided her, teaching her how to smoke a cigarette. He watched as she sucked in the smoke from the blunt, her chest puffing up. Ivy stayed focused on her breathing, wanting to do it right. She could feel the burn in her lungs.
"Now blow." She exhaled and watched as a cloud of smoke left her lips. Tyson smiled to himself, proud he taught her well. Ivy coughed as Gray and Kat walked over to the two to share the last blunt.

"Nice one V." Gray high fived the small girl as her eyes glistened with tears. The smoke made her eyes water, but the high she got from it was immensely satisfying.
"Hey! You've been in there for half an hour! You gotta get out now! Don't make me break this door down and get you mutts!" They all giggled as the owner of the gas station continued yelling profanities towards them.
"Yeah sorry, my buddy here needed help since he shit himself." Tyson yelled back as Gray shot him a glare, jabbing Tyson in the stomach.

Kat, going along with the joke, took some chocolate and slightly smeared some on Gray's cream corduroy pants, while he argued with Tyson. He didn't seem to notice, but Ivy did, bursting into laughter as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Kat brought a finger up to her lips and shushed her, giving Ivy a little wink. Earning a nod from the latter in return, who couldn't stop giggling.

The quartet walked out of the stall suspiciously. The owner wore a frown on his face, angry wrinkles appearing on his forehead. His frown eased as he caught sight of Gray's ass with what appeared to be smudged shit.
"Nice ass, dumbass." He cackled as he walked back into the main area of the station. Gray looked confused as he stared down towards the rear of his pants. Upon seeing the 'shit stain' the others fled before he could react. Gray chased them as they laughed and sprinted back to the safety of the van.

"You punks! You're gonna fucking pay for that!"

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