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When Gray stormed off with Tyson, silence fell over the group. Ivy placed her head in her palms feeling guiltier than anything. She felt so stupid for not saying anything. Kat chewed on her lip in embarrassment, trying to remember the kiss she shared with Lucas. Both girls felt tremendous guilt when they saw the boys storm off. It felt as though they were losing their friends. Ivy groaned in annoyance shooting a glare at the twins.

"Why'd you have to open your mouth?" Ivy snapped, not happy with how the night had turned out. Kat placed a hand on Ivy's thigh in hopes of getting her to calm down.
"It's fine V, I had to find out eventually." Kat rubbed Ivy's thigh trying to ease the situation. Ivy couldn't even respond, looking at Kat, guilt heavy in her eyes.
"She's right doll, you wouldn't be able to keep your little secret hidden forever." Myron added.
"And is there something wrong with kissing me? I'm quite offended darling." Lucas teased, faking an expression of pain. Kat just smiled.

"It's not like that, I just wish I was in control of my actions." The comment made Lucas laugh.
"But you were kitty, very much in control. Didn't take you for the aggressive type."

Both Kat and Ivy laughed at Lucas' remark. Maybe the situation was actually lighthearted and they were just overthinking it.
"Was it a good kiss?" Kat questioned, curious.
"Good? Good? It screamed sex!" Myron laughed as he recalled the kiss at the party.
"Yeah Kat, it was pretty intense." Ivy confessed as she walked over towards the table.

Ivy walked over to the table, not for food, but in hopes of catching Tyson and Gray. As much as they joked about the kiss, the guilt she felt was crazy. Part of her could always tell how Gray felt for Kat, but like him, she thought maybe it was all in her head. As though she was only hoping Gray and Kat would  end up together somehow. She may be clueless but she's seen the stolen glances they share and how Kat reacts whenever she's with Gray. It just made sense, but she felt it wasn't her place. So she ignored it, for as long as she can remember.

She peeked over the bushes, standing on her tiptoes, Searching for the boys. Ivy caught sight of them by the edge of the lake smoking. She felt herself relax as they talked. The sight made Ivy feel happy. She was glad the boys had each other, the same way she had Kat. The boys looked at ease as though all their troubles came to a resolution, as they stared into the night sky above.

"What's wrong doll?" Myron somehow snuck his way over without her realising. Ivy turned to him "Oh, nothing, just grabbing food." She lied.
"Yeah I can see that." Myron stated sarcastically gesturing down towards her empty plate. Silence falling over them. 

Ivy wasn't sure how she felt about Myron. At least not in the way she used to. When they were young, playing together in the park, she was sure of her feelings. She admired him, finding his humour quite charming. For the longest time Ivy had a crush on Myron. So when she had to move for highschool, sadness filled her heart. Then she met Tyson. Although she wasn't fully aware of her feelings for him, he made her feel alive. Ivy constantly felt like she glowed when she was with him.

When she first returned to Santa Barbara at the beginning of summer break, she felt thrilled to see Myron. Ivy kept thinking to herself that it was finally their chance to reconnect. Surprisingly, he still had the same charm. Ivy was drawn to him, but not in the same way as before. It felt different. It felt forced.

"Am I right? Ivy? Hello?" Myron waved a hand in front of her eyes as she blankly stared at her plate. He waved a second time breaking her out of her thoughts. She tuned back in.
"I'm sorry what was that?" Ivy mumbled, finally looking up towards Myron. He sighed heavily.
"I was asking if I was right about King about liking you." Ivy was confused at the topic.
"King? As in Tyson King?" She brushed it off. Ivy shrugged her shoulders, hoping Myron would just end the conversation there. But of course he didn't, he pushed for answers.

"He does doesn't he? And what about you?"
"I don't think T likes me like that. I'm sure he's just being friendly." Ivy lied again, she wasn't sure. In fact she had no clue at all.
"I think our friendship bothers him hmm?"
"I don't think T's like that Myron. He knows you're a good friend of mine. I don't think he minds at all. " the boy smirked at that.

Myron could see the two boys approaching the camping area in the corner of his eyes. He decided to have a little fun with the situation.
"Well I hope he doesn't mind this." Ivy turned to him in confusion. Without another word, Myron grabbed Ivy towards him, pulling her in for a kiss.

One hand lay on her waist as the other hand was placed on the back of her neck, forcing her into the kiss. The plate Ivy held previously slipped out of her hand as she placed the other hand on Myron's chest in hopes of pushing him off of her. The sound of the plate catching Kat and Lucas' attention, who gasped in surprise. Ivy closed her eyes hoping this was just a dream and that it wasn't really happening. Hearing the boys come closer, Myron pushed his lips more onto Ivy's trying to make it look as though she was kissing him back.

"The fuck?!" Tyson's sharp words echoed loudly through the night. Tyson watched briefly as he saw the girl he so deeply loved in the embrace of another man. Lips connected, eyes shut.

That's all it took for Tyson to pounce on Myron, pulling him off his girl. Kat stood up in shock as the fight broke out. Ivy held the table for support, unable to comprehend what was unfolding in front of her eyes. Gray pushed Lucas backwards who tried to reach his twin. Gray knew Tyson needed to do this, for his own sanity. Lucas shoved back, earning a jab in the side from Gray, who was now just as pissed.

All Tyson could see was red. He hated that he let Myron's filthy hands on Ivy, touching her, in her most delicate parts. Myron rolled Tyson over, getting a few punches in before he was back on the bottom. Across from them Gray tackled Lucas, sitting on top about to hammer his fist down on the boy's face. He stopped midway. "Stay down if you don't want trouble." Gray spoke harshly, but Lucas knew when he was beat. So he lay his head down on the dirt breathing heavily.

The girls rushed over to Tyson desperately trying to pull him off of Myron as he beat him into a pulp. Kat and Ivy were finally able to pull Tyson off, his chest puffing heavily in aggression.

"Don't you ever put your filthy fucking hands on my girl ever again!" Tyson spat, glaring at the boy on the ground. Gray released Lucas, walking over to Tyson's side, placing a hand on  Tyson's chest to calm him down.
"T! Stop!" Ivy yelled out. Her eyes were filled with tears as she watched the scene, still finding it hard to believe. Tyson turned to Ivy, reaching his hands out to hug her but she just backed away, walking as far away as possible.

"Look what you did!" Lucas yelled back, furious. "No wonder they don't like you back!"
"Oh yeah? The fuck is your problem!" Gray retorted walking towards Lucas ready to pummel him into the ground.
"DON'T GRAY! JUST FUCKING STOP!" Kat screamed to get their attention. Gray felt sorry upon seeing the disappointment in Kat's face.
"You've done enough! All of you."

Kat walked away, following Ivy's lead, wanting to get as far away as possible.

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