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There was only one week remaining as their summer break was coming to a close. For the rest of the camping trip, the four avoided as much contact with each other as possible. Only ever talking if it was completely necessary. None of them knew where the others mind was at and whether they felt the same way. So they tried to stay out of each other's way. The unspoken thing each of them shared, was more obvious than ever before. Being aware of their own feelings, they let it flow. Deep down they knew, they had to talk eventually, But for now, they just let each other ease into it.

Before leaving Santa Barbara, the girls made a separate visit to say goodbye to Myron and Lucas. The girls felt as though they owed it to them, as there was so much history there. The twins knew when they were beat. Except it still didn't ease the pain they felt when Kat and Ivy confessed that they loved the other boys, but, they saw it coming. The twins knew, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't convince the girls.

Lucas felt it when Kat kissed him in her drunken state. He craved that kiss more than anything, but knew she'd never do it sober. Kat was simply just drunk. The night they kissed, Lucas could tell Kat's heart was someplace else, most likely imagining it was Gray instead of him. Lucas had loved Kat for as long as he can remember. That didn't change, even when she moved away, he hoped they'd meet again. And so he decided to wait for her, no matter how long it took. So obviously, when he spotted the familiar blonde haired girl, he expected that he at least had a chance. What he didn't expect was the dark haired boy who already owned Kat's heart.

In a way, Myron felt similarly. He didn't love Ivy nearly as long as Lucas did for Kat, but it was still love. Or at least in his eyes it was. Ivy was Myron's biggest supporter, she admired everything about him. She made him feel good about himself. He felt confident around her. He'd never confess, but Myron was very insecure. Ivy provided him with security and always lifted his spirits. It was as though she fought his inner demons. And when she moved, it was like the darkness crept back in. Seeing her that one fateful night only made him more obsessive over his insecurities. He thought that if he could keep her around, his confidence would return and the darkness would disappear, but it didn't. If anything, her presence only reminded him of how pathetic and insecure he was. So when Myron forced her into the kiss, it was as though he was trying to force his problems onto her. So maybe it wasn't love, or maybe it was.

So when the girls said their goodbyes, the boys could only let them go. They had to. Deep inside, Myron and Lucas knew they needed to move on and face their own problems. Kat and Ivy could no longer be a distraction. Reality was harsh like that. As they watched the orange van disappear from their driveway, they couldn't help the emptiness they felt.


It had been two days since the four had returned back home. They still had no contact with each other, too afraid to reach out. There was only five days left before each of them moved away for college. Before they had to go their separate ways.

It was a lonely night for Kat. She lay in her bedroom restless. She shifted in her bed continuously turning side to side, just trying to get comfortable. Annoyed, Kat got up, throwing on a thick hoodie before sneaking out her window. Desperately trying not to wake her sleeping parents during these late hours.

Kat walked around town, passing their highschool, thinking of all their memories together. It wasn't long before she found herself in the diner where they planned their summer break and where they spent most of their afternoons when the school day was finished.  She removed her hood as she walked towards their usual booth.

It was occupied. Kat almost walked out the diner when she caught sight of who it was. Sat in the booth was a familiar mop of dark brown hair. His green eyes looked up, meeting her blue ones as though he sensed her presence.

"Gray." Kat voiced out. He was the only thing on her mind these past few days. Gray didn't know what to say so he just sat there stunned.
"Would..would you like to sit down?" Gray asked, motioning for her to join him. Before Kat could answer, she found her feet moving already. She positioned herself across from him. They sat face to face, just staring into each other's eyes.

"How are you?" Kat spoke softly. She missed him. A lot. She just hoped Gray felt the same.
"I'm good. Busy preparing for college."
"Right, right. Yeah." Kat spoke gibberish trying to gather her thoughts. She wanted to express her feelings in words but didn't know how.
"I need to tell you something." Kat's eyes widened processing what he just said. It was as though he read her mind.

Gray cleared his throat. "I miss you. More than anything. Your laugh, your smile, your damn arrogance. All of it. I-I'm just feeling empty without you. Summer break was the best thing ever. Despite everything, I loved every bit of it. Spending that time with you, I loved that. Even though you pushed me away and told me that I had done enough, I couldn't sit back. If anything I didn't do enough, enough to show you how I felt. I don't know why, but I waited here, at the diner, hoping you'd come. And you did. So when I saw you walk through those doors, it just reminded me of how much I can't live without you. A world without you is suicide. I...I think, no. I'm madly in love with you Katarina Davis."

Kat couldn't help but cry. Tears ran down her rosy cheeks as he confessed. She didn't realise how much she longed to hear those words until he said it. Her heart was racing so fast, but instead of ignoring it, she let it happen. Kat released the vault of emotions that she had. She was done hiding how she truly felt.

Grabbing Gray's collar, she pulled him into a deep kiss. Gray returned the gesture, kissing back. Kat felt as though time had once again slowed down. She knew she couldn't speak. Kat didn't trust her words right now, so she poured everything she had into the kiss. Her heart was on fire, and she liked the burn. It felt like the cigarettes they smoked. The kiss was intoxicating. Gray pulled away softly, bringing his hand up to her cheeks. He rubbed away her tears. Gray thought Kat looked utterly beautiful, eyes a little red from crying, cheeks rosy and lips curled into a smile. He rested his forehead on hers.

Gray was so glad he waited in that diner for as long as he did. And he knew, if she didn't show up tonight, he'd wait there everyday just to see his girl, one last time.

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