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Gray sat at the edge of the lake, kicking at the dirt. He picked up a stone and pegged it into the water. He just wanted to let out his frustration. Gray felt stupid for ignoring the signs, wishing he just took the courage to act sooner. Pegging another stone, he yelled.

"You gonna keep abusing those stones? Or is it finally time for us to talk?" Tyson crept through the bush as he joined Gray near the water. Gray chuckled in return, pegging another stone before sitting down. Tyson pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, offering Gray one as he lit the blunt in between his own lips. They stared up at the sky for a short moment, letting the tobacco ease their restlessness.

"It's fucked man." Gray muttered as he brought the cigarette back between his lips. Tyson hummed in agreement, wanting Gray to continue.
"I tried so hard to ignore it, thinking it was all in my head. That maybe I was just sad we're all going away for college. But I can't look at her the same anymore. It's like every damn time I see her my stomach does fucking cart wheels and it feels like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest." Gray explained, clutching his chest.

"Ive seen the way you look at her man." Tyson confessed, as he inhaled smoke.
"But I never judged, I wanted you to figure out what you wanted. " Tyson tapped his cigarette with his finger turning towards Gray.
"I think I've known for the longest time. I just never mentioned the thing." Gray was confused as to what Tyson was talking about.
"What thing?"
"The unspoken thing. It travels around. Besides you and Kit Kat, I can't help but feel there's something between me and V." Tyson admitted, thinking of all their interactions.

"You like Kit Kat don't you?" Tyson pushed.
"Like? Dude I think I'm in love with her. I'm consumed by her every move. But I don't think she feels the same." Gray sighed, blowing smoke into the night sky above.
"Just talk to her." Tyson said earning a scoff from Grayson.
"It's not that simple."
"It is that simple. I'm done ignoring my feelings for V. It kills me to sit by and watch as that jerk practically devours her with his eyes, yet alone the fucking pet names. And I can see it's killing you too. I don't want to go down without a fight, I need to know I have a chance."
Gray scoffed once again. "Leave it to his highness to never back down from a good fight."

The boys let out a laugh. It felt good that they finally addressed the elephant in the room. Tyson and Gray were aware of each other's feelings towards the girls but never brought it up. They felt as though bringing it up would end the group. Yet as time went on, they found that ignoring their feelings only made things harder.

"But you're right. I should just talk to her." Gray admitted, giving into Tyson's idea.
"So let's go. Let's fucking do this shit." Tyson hyped them up as they were ready to confess their feelings towards Kat and Ivy. It was time.
Putting out their cigarette butts, They gave each other a small hug before walking back to the main camp area. Smiles graced their lips as they felt at ease. They looked up towards the bonfire, frozen in shock.

"The fuck?!"

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