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The next day, I went to the skating rink and saw someone with the name "ROU" ranked right behind me. I looked at the list which showed every race. Rou only did one but you needed three, preferably with different skaters to be ranked. When I asked Suga about it, he told me that Rou didn't have the time yesterday and would come back sooner or later to get ranked. I just hoped that he wasn't as fast as the others told me. I didn't want to be stuck on the third place like I was before Kuroo got into an accident and wasn't able to skate for over a year. This affected him so much so that Oikawa, Atsumu and I passed him. He was still really good but not as good as he was before. 

But now that there was another person I had to compete with, I needed to practice more. I couldn't if I only skated with Shirabu because he was slower than me and I wouldn't be able to skate as fast as I was able to so I couldn't really improve. As much as I liked spending time with Shirabu, I needed to get better to beat this rou guy. Shirabu could wait. 

I wanted to go to the skating rink as fast as possible but I knew that Semi would be there today and I didn't want him to recognize me. He wouldn't recognize me by my looks but maybe by my voice and I wasn't ready to explain everything yet. He would feel betryed and hate me and I surely didn't want that to happen. Who would? 

We were friends and I could see myself falling for him. Not that I was, I knew him for too little but he was somene really nice and defietly my typw. If I wouldn't fall, we would be great friends as well.  

But if he found out before we got close, he would think I'm a pathatlogical liar and wouldn't try to be friends with me and if I kept it to me until we were close, he would think I don't trsut him and cancel our friendship or something similar. All in all, I was in a hopeless situation. No matter what I would do, I would lose. I would lose my new friend and it would not only hurt me but also him. 

He was the one I lied to, he was the one who would feel betrailed, he was the one that would feel like I didn't trsut him enough, as if he wasn't imporant to me. He didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve him. I was lying all the time while he was honest. He never lied and I admired that. 

One more reason to tell him the truth before it was to late. Now, he wouldn't be as angry as he would be if he found out later. Now, we could maybe still be friends. But I knew damn well that I wouldn't tell him, ever. I was too much of a coward to. 

better than me, SemiShiraWhere stories live. Discover now