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Today I went to the skating rink to get my mind off of things. Semi had been dropping hints about him liking me a lot more recently. I was pretty sure that he liked me. But how was I supposed to react to this? Firstly, I didn't like him back. Secondly, I would go back to my home country in about ten months, we wouldn't last. But I didn't want to lose him either. He was a great friend and we would see each other at least once a week so rejecting him wasn't really an option. But I couldn't lie to him either, could I?

After I arrived at the skating rink, did a few races and just skated, Tendo and Semi showed up. I didn't want to risk anything, so I skated home. They both realized but I didn't care. Tendo knew that I didn't want Semi to find out that Shriabu and Rou were the same person and Semi probably thought that Rou hated him but that was alright. As long as he didn't find out the truth about Rou, everything was alright.

There went my plans for the afternoon. I didn't have anything to do. My homework was done and both Semi and Tendo were skating. I could ask someone else from the skating rink to hang out with me but Suga was skating and Hinata was busy. And I didn't have the number of any other person there so I couldn't hang out with any of them either.

I just decided to watch a little YouTube and read a bit. There was this one book I started two weeks ago and I haven't even finished reading the first chapter. I always got distracted and the book wasn't that interesting yet. Of course, it wasn't, it didn't even start. But from the blurb, I knew that it would get interesting very soon.

After wasting about two hours on YouTube, I finally opened the book and immediately got fascinated by it. I read and read, not paying attention to the time. I could have read forever but suddenly my stomach growled. I checked the time, it was 11:50 pm. The others ost probably ate already and didn't want to disturb me. But how I knew them, they left a bit of food in the fridge so I would just eat that.

I walked down into the kitchen and warmed up the pasta I found in the fridge. I was about to walk back up when I heard noises coming from the living room. It was probably just Tendo watching Netflix or something like that, yet, I couldn't help but check.

I could hear two people talking, Tendo and Semi. I was about to walk away when I heard my name. I didn't want to eavesdrop so I decided to just show myself, bad idea.

"But how should I tell Shirabu that I like him romantically?" Semi asked at the exact moment I showed myself. "I don't think you have to worry about that anymore," Tendo said before leaving the room. What was I supposed to say?

better than me, SemiShiraWhere stories live. Discover now