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Today Semi and Tendo would spend the day together and because they would meet at Semi's place and spend the whole day there, I would be able to go to the skating rink again. I really missed it and the others would get suspicious if I didn't show up regularly. I really had to think of a way to skate while Semi was there without him noticing that it was me. Because wearing different clothes and different skates wouldn't trick him. 

"Hello, Rou, we're happy you're back," Suga greeted me. Next to him was Hinata which smiled as well. "Hello to you too. Sorry, I didn't come, I was kind of busy," I lied. "That's okay. Maybe skate a few rounds first," Suga said as he skated away. I looked around and saw a few new faces. What really caught my attention was a guy with three neon yellow roles. He had brown hair and was taller than me. From what I heard his name was kawa aka the guy who was the fastest here. I definitely wanted to race against him today. But Suga was right, I should probably skate a few rounds before that. 

While I skated those rounds, I didn't skate as fast as I could. First of all, I didn't want to waste all my energy but I also wanted the other guy to underestimate me. I liked the expression on people's faces when they realized that I was better than them and that guy looked really cocky so I definitely wanted to win. He was probably very good and there was a good chance he was better than me but I still was positive. As long as I stayed motivated, everything would be alright. And even if he was better than me, I was still good and that was enough for me. 

"Do you want to race?" I asked the brown-haired guy. "Sure, I'll just skate a few more rounds if that's okay with you," he said and I agreed. After ten minutes he stopped a few meters away from me. "Let's get started, will we?" Kawa said. "Sure," I agreed, skating over to him. "Just so you know, I'm the best here," he stated. "I know," I replied, rolling my eyes. "I was just saying. Don't be sad when I bet you, kiddo," he said. "Let's just skate, will we?" I responded, visibly annoyed. "Fine," he said and we skated to the start point. 

"Are you guys ready?"  Hinata asked. "Yes," I replied. "Always," kawa responded. "Okay, on the count of three. One. Two. Three," Hinata said. We both started skating and at the beginning kawa and I were equally fast. But then, he sped up and passed me. I was still close to him but god was he fast. I sped up as well and soon caught up. Now it was my turn to pass him. But first, I wanted to end the second round at his pace. I didn't want to waste all my energy now. Once we crossed the line for the second time, we both sped up. He was even faster than before but I was too. We were almost equally fast but I was a little faster. I kept expanding my lead but shortly before the end, he sped up a lot. I did too but he still caught up with me. So for the last meters, we were skating as fast as we could, both not wanting the other to win. 

We both gave everything, yet, the one crossing the line first was me. Kawa was the fastest skater I've ever met and when he and Semi were about equal that meant that Semi was fast as well. Maybe he didn't skate as fast as he could while he was with me. That would make a lot of sense because he thought that I wasn't good at skating so, of course, he wouldn't skate fast. Sometimes I was really dumb. 

"Congratulations, you're the best now. Don't mind Oikawa, he has a huge ego and hates getting beaten. You should come here more often to practice with us because he definitely will practice more and he will beat you if you don't. I don't really care who is best but I guess everyone wants to be first," Hinata said. "Yeah, I will," I responded. 

The both of us skated around because two other people were racing right now and we didn't want to disturb them. "So what's the real reason why you don't come here more often?" Hinata asked. "And don't lie," he added. "Okay so I know Semi and when we first met, I told him that I wasn't good at skating because I thought he was talking about skateboarding and after that, he offered me that he would teach me and I agreed because he's cute. So now he is teaching me, thinking he's better than me when actually I am better than him and I just don't want him to know so I can't come here when he's here too," I answered. "That was a lot but I kind of understand you. And you could use hair clips to put back your bangs, wear a beany or a helmet and a mask. Different skates would be useful as well and an outfit he doesn't know," Hinata advised. "Those ideas seem great, thank you," I replied. "Of course," Hinata responded. 

For the rest of the day, we skated around, talking about random things. It was rather fun than practice but at least I learned a bit about the people here. 

better than me, SemiShiraWhere stories live. Discover now