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Suga skated away and Shirabu turned to me, "I swear I can explain". "I'm sure you can," I said. "When we first met I thought you meant skateboarding so I said that I don't know how to, which is the truth. Then you told me that you meant Inlineskating and I didn't want you to think that I'm a liar so I went on with it. Besides, I really wanted to spend time with you. And then Tendo told me about the skating rink so I went there and I really liked it. But then you told me how much you hated Rou and I was afraid that you would hate me if I told you so I didn't," Shirabu explained. I could understand why he didn't tell me but I couldn't really forgive him. Sure, this wasn't that big of a deal and normally, I would've forgiven him but that wasn't the only time he lied to me. He also told me that he liked me while he didn't. And while I could understand why he did that, it still hurt. Maybe I would be able to forgive him eventually but right now, I couldn't.

"Is there anything else you didn't tell me?" I asked him. If he told me the truth about not liking me when I asked him out, I would forgive him. If he didn't, I would break up with him, end our friendship and never talk to him ever again.

"No, that's the only time I lied," he lied. And that was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Are you sure about that? Because I clearly remember you telling Tendo that you didn't have romantic feelings for me when I first asked you out," I replied. "I'm sorry," Shirabu said. "That sorry means nothing. I gave you a chance to tell me the whole truth but you didn't. All you did was lie. You always did. This whole relationship is based on lies. You knew about my feeling and you decided to just not care. I let myself fall for you. For you, a pathetic liar. I'm o dumb. I should have known all along. The way you avoided going to the skating rink together, the fact that you were incredibly good at Inlineskating. You probably laughed about me as I tried to teach you how to Inlineskate even though you are way better than me. You know, when you told me that you liked me too, I didn't believe you at first. I thought, how could someone as perfect as you like me back? I guess you didn't. But hey, the perfect boy I fell for was a lie," I stated.

Shirabu wanted to say something but I didn't let him, "But at least I know that it isn't my fault. Because I always told the truth. I always did my best to make this work. But you, you lied. You made me think that you loved me. I was so happy with you. This past month was probably the best in my life but it was all a lie. Everything was a lie". "Not everything was a lie, I really like you, Semi," Shirabu tried to defend himself. "Yes, since yesterday. The time before that, you didn't. The five months of our relationship were a joke to you. You probably laughed about me when I told you that you meant the world to me and how much I loved you. And the worst thing, you told me that you loved me too even though you didn't. But hey, at least you'll fly home in a few months. I can't wait. I won't ever have to see you again, isn't that great? I hope you had fun playing with my heart because we're over," I said before skating away, leaving Shirabu in front of the skating rink.

better than me, SemiShiraWhere stories live. Discover now