Chapter 16 ~ Breaking Out

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It had been over two weeks of being treated like aliens and it was getting slightly ridiculous.  They kept us in a small three-roomed enclosure. One of the rooms had a large panel of one-way glass and the other two had cameras. I shifted many times during the two weeks, screaming and hissing at the doctors watching on the other side. I came up with curse words I didn't think even existed. And when I exhausted myself cursing the doctors, I'd fall asleep with Oblivion by my side. The only time people came in was to hand us meager servings of food and water that tasted slightly off but we didn't they would put something in the food. 

We waited for the doctors to hand us our trays. It was scary. I could feel my heart thumping in my throat and my eyes changing colour slowly. The doctors seemed to notice our tension for a second, a second too late. We dashed out of the open door, shifting on the way out. I let my hand run across the cool, white walls as a way to calm myself down. They wouldn't be able to keep up with us unless they got some sort of vehicle but even then we could get them off it and use it ourselves. We could hear the footsteps of some security behind us. The one thing that scared me was the fact that perhaps, these guards had guns. Maybe they had automatic weapons that could shoot us down right now and they're waiting for the right time to use it. And if they did, we were at a massive disadvantage. If only I could get my hands on just one of those guns. A semi-automatic pistol maybe. One shot to the head in the average 10 rounds I have would be enough to get rid of 10 men.

I glanced behind me and let myself breathe a sigh of relief. There were about 20 men, but none of them had any guns. It's almost like they don't exist anymore. I shifted again and signalled for the others to do the same. We ran faster and lost the men in the maze of similar looking corridors. The first thing we were trying to do was find our stuff. It could be anywhere in a place like this and it felt pointless scampering around when we had no clue where we were going. After about five more minutes of random wandering, a doctor crossed our path. She was a small, young woman, covered head to toe in white. I grabbed her roughly and shoved her against the wall,

'Help us find our things and we won't hurt you...much.' I growled, staring her straight in her blue eyes.

'H-h-how did you escape?' she whimpered. I snorted. I guess they thought we would be placid for a while longer and that we wouldn't cause a scene. And I guess they didn't know that we had learnt to control our shifts so we had instant intelligence, strength and speed at will.

'It doesn't matter now. Show us' I shoved her in front of us and she stumbled a little. She huffed and began to walk. We followed her for a little to a door that was labelled

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From there, she unlocked it and revealed our things. We glanced at each other, surprised that the threat actually worked and walked in hurriedly. I gathered my things and looked up quick enough to see the doctor, shutting the heavy door in our faces. I heard a lock snap and darkness filled the room. TC's eyes glowed red in the dark, but I didn't get angry

'Get your things' I ordered before laughing. She thinks a door could stop us. I approached the door and kicked it down, a smirk playing on my lips. The female doctor stood, shocked. I then laughed a little more. They had no idea that we could harness this power. Maybe they don't really know what that drug did to us. Maybe they weren't aware that now we were unstoppable and a door with a lock won't keep us in. I slipped my cloak on casually as the doctor screamed and began to run away, her heels click-clacking down the hall. Silly woman. Five minutes later, we were geared up and ready to move.

We hurried around for another twenty minutes. It wasn't until then that Oblivion spotted the green exit sign pointing ahead. I smiled and led the group as we followed the green symbols. It wasn't long until we stood in front of a glass door that led out to the real and not simulated world.

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