Chapter 1- 5 weeks, 3 days

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*&* Final Edit *&*


What else could I have possibly done but force myself out of the hazy consciousness I was in and look around me?

And would you have blamed me when I screamed once I saw the unfamiliar faces of four other people hovering around me?

When they laughed at me, would you blame me for getting angry at them?

My eyes flickered open and shut. I couldn't keep them open, I couldn't keep them shut. It both annoyed and unnerved me. I also couldn't seem to force myself out of the nauseating rocking and swerving of my body. Every time I tried to open my eyes, light blinded me and the people around me snickered behind their hands, as if I didn't belong here. Every time I tried to close them, my head pounded and a terrible desire to vomit overtook me. I tried to gather the memories of how I got here, but they kept slipping from my grasp, rushing away every time I tried to grab at one. The last thing I remember was saying goodnight to my parents and slipping under the covers of my warm bed.

Somehow, I have woken up in a world that is completely parallel to what I had before. I finally opened my eyes wide enough to absorb my surroundings. The cloudless sky was bright blue and the sun blazed down on everything. Surrounding me were many trees of all sorts and bright green grass that radiated warmth. In the distance, I could see snow, and even further than that, I could see sand. The rocking and swerving didn't stop; it seemed to worsen.

I recognized the wilderness, yet there was something off about this world. Something wasn't natural about it. Maybe it was the way the other people held themselves; maybe it was because of the unnatural changes between terrains. Perhaps it was the fact that bordering the wilderness, just within my field of vision, were four towering black walls. When the spinning in my head slowed, I sat up. The four people observed me and murmured to each other in low voices. I observed them as well, unsure of whether I should trust them. Seeing that my options were quite limited, I doubted whether I really had a choice. My eyes swept in a semi-circle, taking in each appearance slowly, my brain still pretty slow. Yet even with the slow response, I immediately picked up that they were all boys.

The first person, a guy that looked about 17, had on a crisp black t-shirt, knee length cargo shorts, and simple black sneakers. Snaked around his right arm was a leather armband that spiralled down until it finished as a bracelet on his wrist. His hair was sandy brown and he had big dark brown eyes, with features that were perfectly proportioned. I didn't doubt that he was the head of the group, which for some reason made my stomach wrench in distaste.

The second looked about the age of 15 with blonde hair that flopped over his blue eyes. He was gangly and tall and seemed to have all the confidence in the world. The third was a younger boy, only about 13, with a round face and soft features. He was a bit rounder than the rest and shorter than what he should've been. With his short, cropped brown hair and dark brown eyes, he smiled at me. I didn't smile back. Finally, my eyes fell upon the last one, a tall guy with a bored look etched upon his features. His arms crossed over one another and he, unlike the others, seemed so disinterested in what was happening. He was tall and thin in a nice way with dark brown hair, long side-swept bangs, and piercing blue eyes. His age was hard to guess, maybe about 16. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was the sort of guy you would gawk at on Instagram and wish you knew him or the sort of guy that is desperately wanted by every girl in a school. With the chiselled features and a nose that veered to the left a little, he was somehow perfect. But what made me wince in disgust was the fact that he couldn't seem to care; as if there were more important things to do than help me, or tell me where the hell I am.

Wait...where the hell am I?

"Where am I?" I demanded, shooting up onto my feet causing my head to swoon some more. My throat was raw and tired. I forced myself to ignore the storm that raged away in my head. The boys looked at each other and closed into a tight group, talking quickly. Except Crooked Nose. I stared him square in the eye and tried to use the most menacing voice I could muster, "Where the hell am I." It wasn't a question anymore.

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